BuilderMT WMS PO Integration - Reference
Integration Profile Configuration
The following outlines the settings for BuilderMT WMS Purchase Orders integration .ini file profiles.
Default initialisation filename:
- Int_WMSOrders_Default.ini
Key | Description/Setting |
IntegrationType | Description: Specifies the type of integration to be performed. This is a fixed value that should not be changed. Setting: Timberline Orders |
UseWizard | Description: Specifies whether Integration will be run manually or automatically. Setting: 0: Integration will be run based on the values in the .ini file and can be run automatically without user intervention. 1: Integration will be run using a wizard allowing users to modify the details of the integration. |
YieldMilliSeconds | Description: Length of time to pause the program in milliseconds. Setting: 0 (default) |
Key | Description/Setting |
ODBCDSN_Framework | Description: ODBC DSN name for the Framework database. Setting: FworkSQLEcm |
ODBCConnect_Framework | Description: ODBC DSN connection string for the Framework database. Setting: None |
ODBCDSN_FrameworkLicense | Description: ODBC DSN name for the Framework Licence database. Setting: FworkSQLLic |
ODBCDSN_Destination | Description: ODBC DSN name for the BuilderMT WMS database. Setting: FworkWMS |
ODBCConnect_Destination | Description: ODBC DSN connection string for the BuilderMT WMS database. Setting: "uid=enterUserName;pwd=enterPassword" |
Mail Configuration
Key | Description/Setting |
Mail_System | Description: Email delivery method. Setting: 0: no email will be sent. 1: email will be sent using MAPI. 2 (default): email will be sent using SMTP. |
Mapi_Profile | Description: Microsoft Outlook user profile name. Setting: (default): Outlook |
Mail_From | Description: The name or email address of who/where the email is being sent from. Setting: FrameworkIntegration |
Mail_Recipient | Description: These are the mail recipients of integration logs. Multiple addresses can be added if separated with a semi-colon (;). Spaces are not necessary before or after the semi-colon. Setting:; |
Mail_Subject | Description: Email subject heading. Setting: "Framework Integration : Timberline Orders" |
SMTP_Server | Description: If using Mail_System 2 (SMTP), add the SMTP Server name. Setting: enterSMTPServerName (replace this text with your SMTP Server name) |
SMTP_UseSecurity | Description: Is security used for the STMP server? Setting: 0 (default): A username or password is not required. 1: A username and password is required. If this setting is used, the SMTP_UserName and SMTP_Pwd fields must have a valid username and password. |
SMTP_UserName | Description: A valid username for the SMTP server. Setting: enterUserName (replace this text with a valid SMTP Server User Name) |
SMTP_PWD | Description: A valid password for the SMTP username. Setting: enterPassword (replace this text with a valid SMTP Server Password) |
Key | Description/Setting |
CriteriaMethod | Description: Determines which data for BuilderMT WMS Orders is updated. Setting: 1: CostCentre 2: Entity 4: Orders 5: All |
OrderCriteria | Description: Criteria for selecting which job orders are updated. Setting: 1: AllJobs 2: ByConstructionManager 3: BySupervisor 4: SingleJob(JobNumber) |
OrderCriteriaID | Description: ID for the construction manager, supervisor, or single job as indicated by the OrderCriteria (above). Setting: 0 (default) |
Context | Description: The Region Division ID if you only want to process Integration for a certain context. Setting: 0 (default): All region divisions will be processed. |
ProcessApprovals | Description: The type of process approval process. Note: Only applies if the CriteriaMethod is 4 or 5. Setting: 1: OrdersAndApprovals 2: OrdersOnly 3: ApprovalsOnly Note: If the setting is 1 or 3 then orders in Framework that are not found in Databuild will have their status in Framework set to Cancelled. |
OnlyIntegrateNew | Description: Instructs Integration to only process job orders that have dates within the range specified below. Setting: True: Only records within the date range will be included. False: All records will be included. |
StartIntegrationDate | Description: If OnlyIntegrateNew is True (above), then we retrieve BuilderMT WMS orders with dates >= to the StartIntegrationDate. If StartIntegrationDate is None, then Integration continues as if OnlyIntegrateNew was set to False. Setting: None dd/mm/yyyy |
EndIntegrationDate | Description: If OnlyIntegrateNew is True (above), then we retrieve BuilderMT WMS orders with dates <= EndIntegrationDate. If EndIntegrationDate is None, then today's date will be used. Setting: None dd/mm/yyyy |
Key | Description/Setting |
LinkPOsToLogisticsItems | Description:
Setting: True: Link function is switched on False: Link function switched off |
Integrated Fields
The integration of BuilderMT WMS Purchase Orders to Framework ECM is fixed in the content that is exchanged between the systems. There are no user-configurable integrated fields available to this type of integration.
Database Models
The following database model(s) displays the manner in which data is integrated between the third party application and Framework Integration.
Integration Process
The following information is a low level account of the integration process including criteria, decisions, and outcomes. This information is technical in nature and is provided "as-is" for a detailed analysis of the integration process for system administrators.
- Read profile keys to determine which actions to process.
- Process Cost Centres only performed if MaterialClassLink method is "Internal" (-2149)
- Read all eligible records from Framework table int_cCentre where
- Int_cCentreGrp.l_link_sys_gl_id = -2026 (Timberline)
- Int_cCentreGrp.l_int_cCentre_id <> 0
- For each record, get the matching WMS record in table pactivity where pactivity.pactivity_id = intcCentre.s_link.cCentre.
- Division.Div_id = int_cCentreGrp.s_link_cCentreGrp
- Update the int_cCentre.s_link_name field with pactivity.activity.
- Read all eligible records from Framework table int_cCentre where
- Process Entities
- Read all eligible records from Framework table int_entity where
- Int_entity.l_link_sys_gl_id = -2026 (Timberline)
- Int_entity.l_int_entity_id <> 0
- For each record get matching WMS record in table Supplier where
- Supplier.sub_number = int_entity.s_link_entity
- Update the int_entity.s_link_namewith supplier.sub_name
- The linked entity name and ABN are updated.
- The primary address is created or updated.
- The various telephone records are updated or created. These include Business, Fax, Mobile, and Email.
- Business and Fax numbers are extracted from the appropriate Supplier fields.
- The Mobile and Email fields are extracted from one of the three WMS Supplier Sub Contact fields, the appropriate field being determined by cycling through the supplier’s Scheduling Contact and Purchasing Contact flags and finding the first that is set to “T” – failing to find one will default to the first Sub Contact.
- Read all eligible records from Framework table int_entity where
- Process Orders
- If processApprovals is 1 or 2 then:
- If internal code is the preference setting for material class link method then the Framework po_order table is checked for any orders where the cost centre code is missing but the cost centre description is entered. We then use the description to find a match in int_cCentre. If a match on the name is found then the int_cCentre.s_link_cCentre value is copied into the po_order records cost centre code. Any orders that need updating will have their items checked to make sure there are no missing cost codes for the items. If there are then the items will be updated to match the order.
- Get eligible Framework jobs from v_sched_dbJobOrders where
- Job.s_link_boq <> ‘N/A’
- Job.l_context_id = ‘Context’ (profile key, if 0 all contexts)
- and apply order criteria where OrderCriteria is
- 2 – Construction Manager • Cst.l_mgr_e_id = ‘OrderCriteriaID’
- 3 – Supervisor • Cst.l_super_e_id = ‘OrderCriteriaID’
- 4 – Single Job • job.s_job_num = ‘OrderCriteriaID’
- For each job get orders and items from WMS where
- poHeader.poJobNumber = job.s_job_num
- If profile key OnlyIntegrateNew is true, add additional criteria where
- poHeader.poDateIssued >= ‘StartIntegrationDate’ – 7 days
- poHeader.poDateIssued <= ‘EndIntegrationDate’ or now if endIntegrationDate is none.
- Once we have the WMS Order, see if it exists in po_order table where
- Po_order.s_jobNo = job.s_job_num
- Po_order.s_link_boq = poHeader.poHeader_id
- And we check each WMS Order Item, by seeing if it exists in po_item table where
- Po_item.s_link_item = poDetail.poDetail_id
- Po_item.l_po_order_id = po_order.l_po_order_id
- Orders and items are updated or added if the poHeader.poStatus is <> 5(cancelled). Records that exist already for an order that has been cancelled are deleted when an order is created in Framework. A po_orderAppd record is also created.
- Cost Centre codes are determined based on the preference setting for the material class link method.
- If preference = description code (-2148) then
- orders are linked by poheader.poNumber > po_order.s_costCentreCode.
- Items are linked by podetail.pActivity > po_item.s_costCentreCode.
- else
- if preference = internal code (-2149) then
- orders are linked by poheader.poDescription = int_cCentre.s_link_name then the int_cCentre.s_link_cCentre value is copied to po_order.s_costCentreCode.
- items are linked by podetail.pactivity = int_cCentre.s_link_name then the int_cCentre.s_link_cCentre value is copied to po_item.s_costCentreCode.
- ix. The various supplier details (Name, Business, Fax, Mobile and Email) are obtained from either the WMS Supplier Area table, if there exists a supplier specific for the order, or from the WMS Supplier table if there is not.
- The Mobile and Email fields are extracted from one of the three Sub Contact fields, the appropriate field being determined by cycling through the supplier’s Scheduling Contact and Purchasing Contact flags and finding the first that is set to “T” – failing to find one will default to the first Sub Contact.
- At the end all eligible jobs have all their orders checked to see if those orders still exist in WMS, any orders that are not found are set as cancelled.
- Process Order Approvals
- If processApprovals is 1 or 3 then:
- The WMS User ID (from preferences) is checked to ensure validity.
- If valid, then Framework p_orderAppr records are retrieved based on the approval type being processed (from preferences).
- If type is Approval 1:
- poheader.task_complete_date is d_payment1_appd
- If type is Approval 2:
- poheader.task_complete_date is d_payment2_appd
- If type is Latter of Approval 1 or Approval 2 then:
- poheader.task_complete_date is the latest date entered in either d_payment1_appd or d_payment2_appd where only 1 of those 2 dates has a value entered.
- If type is Latter of Approval 1 AND Approval 2 then:
- poheader.task_complete_date is the latest date entered in either d_payment1_appd or d_payment2_appd where both dates must have a value.