BuilderMT WMS PO Integration - Framework Preparation

BuilderMT WMS PO Integration - Framework Preparation

With the implementation of any new type of integration there are several issues to consider in preparing Framework ECM for the change.

Framework ECM Data Updates

No existing data must be modified to support the use of BuilderMT WMS Purchase Orders integration.

The only consideration in this type of integration is the jobs included in the integration process.

  • Jobs where the External System Link BOQ Reference field is not N/A (this can be viewed on the Job Overview screen).
  • Additional specific criteria as defined in the Integration Process section of this help guide.

Should any mass data updates be required to prepare jobs for integration, please contact Insula Software for assistance.

Framework ECM Security

As a part of implementing Framework Logistics DesktopFramework ECM security should be reviewed to ensure only relevant users have access to this new software.

Framework ECM Preferences

In the Framework ECM Security module, the following preference settings require modification.

Estimation System

Preference Group: Framework Construction Logistics (Tablet) > Bill of Quantities Integration

Preference: -11001 - Estimation System

Preference Level: Default

Value: Timberline


Preference Group: Framework Construction Logistics (Tablet) > Bill of Quantities Integration > Timberline Settings

Preference: -1025 - WMS ODBC DSN Name

Preference Level: Default

Value: [WMS DSN Name] (e.g., Fwork_WMS - known after installation)

WMS ODBC DSN Connection String 

Preference Group: Framework Construction Logistics (Tablet) > Bill of Quantities Integration > Timberline Settings

Preference: -1026 - WMS ODBC DSN Connection String

Preference Level: Default

Value: "uid=enterUserName;pwd=enterPassword"

Material Class Link Method

Preference Group: Framework Construction Logistics (Tablet) > Bill of Quantities Integration > Timberline Settings

Preference: -1027 - Material Class Link Method

Preference Level: Default

Value: Internal Code OR Description Code

GST Rate

Preference Group: Framework Enterprise Construction Management > Financial

Preference: -10000 - Rate - GST

Preference Level: Default

Value: 10

Purchase Order Approval

Preference Group: Framework Construction Logistics (Tablet) > Bill of Quantities Integration > Timberline Settings

Preference: -50048 - Purchase Order Approval Integration

Preference Level: Default

Value: Disabled


Preference Group: Framework Construction Logistics (Tablet) > Bill of Quantities Integration > Timberline Settings

Preference: -50049 - Purchase Order Approval WMS User ID

Preference Level: Default


Note: The Value is taken from the Analysis topic on the WMS Configuration table (Material Class to Orders Link Method).

Procedural Requirements

With the implementation of purchase order approval integration, several procedural requirements should be observed when working with Framework ECMand BuilderMT WMS.

Approving A Purchase Order Using Framework ECM

  1. Select the job.
  2. Open the Purchase Orders screen (Production > Construction > Logistics Orders). (Tip: From the sidebar, select Construction then Orders.)
  3. Select the required purchase order.
  4. Edit the purchase order. The Purchase Order dialog will be displayed.
  5. Enter the Payment Approval date(s) (1, 2, or both) as required by your established approval procedures.

Note: Do not enter anything into the Integrated fields.

Reversing A Purchase Order Approval Using Framework ECM

  1. Select the job.
  2. Open the Purchase Orders screen (Production > Construction > Logistics Orders). (Tip: From the sidebar, select Construction then Orders.)
  3. Select the required purchase order.
  4. Edit the purchase order. The Purchase Order dialog will be displayed.
  5. Remove the Payment Approval date(s) (1, 2, or both) as required by your established approval procedures.

Important: If either one of the Integrated fields contains a date, this means the approval information has already been integrated to BuilderMT WMS and an additional reversal process in BuilderMT WMS is required. Refer to the procedure below (Reversing a Purchase Order Approval Using BuilderMT WMS) for more information.

Reversing A Purchase Order Approval Using BuilderMT WMS

  1. Start BuilderMT WMS.
  2. Open the Approve Purchase Orders screen (Purchasing > Approve Payment of Purchase Orders). The Approve Purchase Orders screen will be displayed.
  3. Uncheck the Complete column for the purchase orders to be reversed, saving any changes.

Note: For detailed instructions on BuilderMT WMS and/or BuilderMT WMS Purchase Orders Approval processes, please refer to your BuilderMT WMS documentation.

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