BuilderMT WMS Sales Pricing Integration - Reference
Integration Profile Configuration
The following outlines the settings for BuilderMT WMS Sales Pricing integration .ini file profiles.
Default initialisation filename:
- Int_WMSPricing_Default.ini
Key | Description/Setting |
IntegrationType | Description: Specifies the type of integration to be performed. This is a fixed value that should not be changed. Setting: WMS Sales |
DefaultRegionDivision | Description: Specifies the default region division. Setting: 0: All region and divisions. |
Key | Description/Setting |
ODBCDSN_Framework | Description: ODBC DSN name for the Framework database. Setting: FworkSQLEcm |
ODBCConnect_Framework | Description: ODBC DSN connection string for the Framework database. Setting: None |
ODBCDSN_FrameworkLicense | Description: ODBC DSN name for the Framework Licence database. Setting: FworkSQLLic |
ODBCDSN_Destination | Description: ODBC DSN name for the BuilderMT WMS database. Setting: FworkWMS |
ODBCConnect_Destination | Description: ODBC DSN connection string for the BuilderMT WMS database. Setting: "uid=enterUserName;pwd=enterPassword" |
Mail Configuration
Key | Description/Setting |
Mail_System | Description: Email delivery method. Setting: 0: no email will be sent. 1: email will be sent using MAPI. 2 (default): email will be sent using SMTP. |
Mapi_Profile | Description: Microsoft Outlook user profile name. Setting: (default): Outlook |
Mail_From | Description: The name or email address of who/where the email is being sent from. Setting: FrameworkIntegration |
Mail_Recipient | Description: These are the mail recipients of integration logs. Multiple addresses can be added if separated with a semi-colon (;). Spaces are not necessary before or after the semi-colon. Setting:; |
Mail_Subject | Description: Email subject heading. Setting: "Framework Integration : Timberline Orders" |
SMTP_Server | Description: If using Mail_System 2 (SMTP), add the SMTP Server name. Setting: enterSMTPServerName (replace this text with your SMTP Server name) |
SMTP_UseSecurity | Description: Is security used for the STMP server? Setting: 0 (default): A username or password is not required. 1: A username and password is required. If this setting is used, the SMTP_UserName and SMTP_Pwd fields must have a valid username and password. |
SMTP_UserName | Description: A valid username for the SMTP server. Setting: enterUserName (replace this text with a valid SMTP Server User Name) |
SMTP_PWD | Description: A valid password for the SMTP username. Setting: enterPassword (replace this text with a valid SMTP Server Password) |
Key | Description/Setting |
UpdateFromTables | Description: ;Update From Tables Using 0=Timberline Assemblies 1=WMS Sales Pricing Setting: 0: Timberline Assemblies 1: WMS Sales Pricing |
CostSelection | Description: Determines the Cost Selection. Note: This is required only if UpdateFromTables. Setting: 0: Highest 1: Lowest 2: Average |
UpdateCost | Description: Determines whether to update the VPB Item Cost Price. Note: This is required only if UpdateFromTables=1. Setting: 0: No 1: Yes |
UpdateRetail | Description: Determines whether to update the VPB Item Retail Price. Note: This is required only if UpdateFromTables=1. Setting: 0: No 1: Yes |
Key | Description/Setting |
FrameworkBase | Description: Area Mapping between Framework and WMS. Setting: 0 |
FrameworkArea(1) - FrameworkArea (60) | Description: Area Mapping between Framework and WMS. Note: An entry in the .ini file is required for each area used in the VPB. Setting: 0 Note: The value should be the BuilderMT WMS Area that matches the Framework Area or left as 0 if the area is not used. |
Integrated Fields
The integration of BuilderMT WMS Sales Pricing to Framework ECM is fixed in the content that is exchanged between the systems. There are no user-configurable integrated fields available to this type of integration.
Database Models
The following database model(s) displays the manner in which data is integrated between the third party application and Framework Integration.
Integration Process
The following information is a low level account of the integration process including criteria, decisions, and outcomes. This information is technical in nature and is provided "as-is" for a detailed analysis of the integration process for system administrators.
- User selects the profile to use, and the dialog is setup based on settings in the profile.
- User confirms the Database DSNs.
- User chooses one of 2 options
- Start a new Integration session based on a vpb_vers. (Vpb_vers records that are final will give the user a warning before continuing)
- Resume an existing session based on changes saved so far. Any vpb_vers that has been saved will not appear in the top list.
- If a new session is started the users will be directed to choose details about what WMS tables they wish to use for integration. They can either choose
- Timberline Assemblies, which updates costs only, and they must choose how to calculate the cost using either the highest, lowest, or average values
- Or use a selected worksheet from the Sales Pricing module. This can update cost and retail values.
- The screen is refreshed with details of all VPB items ready for reviewing and integration. Details of the VPB Items are loaded into a grid, and columns show the current costs and retail values and for each VPB item a match is searched for in WMS based on the VPB item's BOQ links. If a match is found then the values for the WMS item is displayed in the New columns. If there are differences between the framework value and the wms value and the wms value is not 0 then the VPB item will be selected for update.
- Items displayed in the grid can be filtered by using the filter options.
- There is a legend which explains the colour coding of the grid, and also how the columns which have automatic calculations on them are calculated (margins, change $/% etc)
- Some Cost and Retail values cannot be modified if there are formulas in Framework behind those fields to determine the values. The program will handle any changes in values by applying the formulas for the user.
- Cost columns exclude GST, Retail columns exclude GST but can be toggled to display the value with or without GST.
- At anytime during your review you may click the Save button at the bottom right of the grid to save your progress so far.
- When finished reviewing the grid, click Next, you can now choose to either save the integration session to be completed at a later time, or you can proceed and update Framework with the new values that were entered into the grid. This will update any item that has it’s update cost or update retail flag ticked. After updating each vpb_item, any doc’s that are related to the item are also updated.
- After processing integration you can choose to email the results, and see the output.