Linking And Viewing Purchase Orders

Linking And Viewing Purchase Orders

Viewing Purchase Orders is only available when Framework Orders Integration is installed and running.

Framework Orders Integration creates a copy of the actual Purchase Orders produced and sent out to supplies and sub contractors from your ordering system.

By linking Purchase Orders to Framework Construction Logistics activities by the cost centre, these linked orders can then be viewed in Framework and Framework Construction Logistics Tablet.

Benefits Of Viewing And Linking Orders

Within Framework you can view Purchase Order (PO) information without having to log into your ordering system where they are produced. This could potentially save on ordering system licensing costs for those who require view-only access.

Those using Framework have the ability to check purchase order items, quantities, and status which can alleviate the number of enquiries made to production estimators.

When utilising Framework Construction Logistics you have the ability to view and link Purchase Order Cost Centres to the Logistics Cost Centres, allowing for pre-approval for the PO to be captured against the individual Logistics Activity when deemed complete.


A pre-requisite to view Purchase Orders is to have Framework Orders Integration installed and running. Framework Orders integration imports printed Purchase Orders from the ordering system on a nightly basis.

To link orders you must be using Framework Logistics Call Forward Programmes either via Framework or Framework Construction Logistics. This links Orders and Purchase orders with the Logistics Activities.

Understanding The Purchase Order Screen

Viewing The Purchase Order Screen

To view Purchase Orders from with in Framework, open the Construction Side Bar and click on Purch. Orders.

At the top of the screen is a filter that controls the display of orders based on the status. If the [All Orders] filter option is selected, cancelled orders are highlighted red.




Sort order used by the ordering system


Purchase Order number


Purchase Order allocated supplier


Cost Centre from which the Purchase Order was produced


Purchase Order load, dependent on the ordering system

Cost Centre

Cost Centre name, as known in the ordering system


Date the Purchase Order was produced from the ordering system


Pricing from the Purchase Order produced


Purchase Order has been released or sent to the supplier or sub contractor

Linked to Logistics Programme?

Purchase Order cost centre is liked to a Logistics activity

Forecast Complete

Corresponding Logistics Programme activity date

Called For

Corresponding Logistics Programme activity date

Actual Complete

Corresponding Logistics Programme activity date

Money Bag 1

Purchase Order has been approved for payment by Construction

Purchase Order Dialog

To view the Purchase Order dialog, select the item and either double click or select the View button.

To update the Purchase Order, select the item and click on the edit button. If your preference has been set to allow Payment approval, the Payment Approval 1 and Payment Approval 2 fields will be available for edit.

The Approved Date shows when it was approved by Construction to pay, and the integrated field displays the date the approved date was sent to your accounts system.

The Items Tab will display the individual line items on the purchase order. Each of these can be viewed in greater detail by selecting the item and either double-clicking or clicking the View button.


The set-up of the cost centres is done in Logistics Desktop against the individual Logistics activities. Refer to the Construction Logistics Desktop User Guide for further information.

When applying Framework Construction Logistics templates, the Orders button is clicked to link the order to the cost centres in the Logistics Call Forward Programme activities.

The linking of orders is also available in Framework Logistics Tablet on the Orders screen. This allows Supervisors to link orders if previously not linked to a Call Forward activity.

Ongoing Management

When considering updates to Construction Logistics Templates, ensure that the Cost Centre links are accurate to maintain the ability to link with the Integrated Purchase Orders.

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