Entity Resources within Logistics Tablet

Entity Resources within Logistics Tablet

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  • We have added new content called Entity Resource.

  • These are the teams, gangs, people, etc. under a supplier that are specifically allocated work (Logistics items/activities).

Functionality Delivered

  • This data comes from Framework Cloud via integration into the ECM Db and the entity_resource table.

  • This data is to be synced to Tablets, and be available for selection against Logistics Items in both ECM and Tablet.

  • Entity Resource data is synced to the Tablet and is in the same rep_schedule as suppliers (entities)

    1. Logistics Item dialogs have been updated to display and allow the selection of a Supplier Resource.

    2. When a Logistics item supplier is made N/A, the Resource is set to zero

    3. When a Logistics item supplier is changed, the Resource is set to the default resource for the entity. If there are no resources defined for the entity, set the Resource is set to zero.

    4. The PO Linking and Cancellation procedures in ECM have been updated to implement the above logic when assigning and removing an allocated supplier entity.