Framework Logistics - Job Allocations

Framework Logistics - Job Allocations

This page explains how Framework jobs are automatically allocated to Logistics tablet sites, based on their properties - type, major wfl stage, minor wfl stage and supervisor/manager allocations.

This page is currently intended for internal use only, but may be re-worked for public use.

Framework ECM jobs can be allocated to logistics (tablet) sites either manually using Logistics Desktop, or automatically, based on job allocation criteria configured against the logistics site in Logistics Desktop.

Manual Job Allocations

When manually allocating a job to a tablet site in Logistics Desktop, the job number is manually typed in by the user and the allocation record for the selected job and site is inserted (into the sys_siteJob table).

Automatic Job Allocations

Jobs can also be automatically allocated to logistics sites based on allocation criteria configured against the sites in Logistics Desktop:

The logistics site job allocation criteria includes:

  1. Major Work Flow Stage (list item -1000):
    1. [Unknown] (id: -1)
    2. Pre-Administration (id: -2)
    3. Administration (id: -3)
    4. Construction (id: -4)
    5. Maintenance (id: -5)
    6. Feasibility (Englobo) (id: -6)
    7. Development (Englobo) (id: -7)
    8. Building (Englobo) (id: -8)
    9. Maintenance (Englobo) (id: -9)
    10. Feasibility (Estate) (id: -10)
    11. Development (Estate) (id: -11)
    12. Building (Estate) (id: -12)
    13. Maintenance (Estate) (id: -13)
    14. Development (Estate Stage) (id: -14)
    15. Design (Estate Stage) (id: -15)
    16. Building (Estate Stage) (id: -16)
    17. Maintenance (Estate Stage) (id: -17)
    18. Registration (Land Only) (id: -18)
    19. Contract Administration (Land Only) (id: -19)
    20. Maintenance (Land Only) (id: -20)
  2. Construction/Maintenance Manager (list item -1001)
  3. Construction/Maintenance Supervisor (list item -1002)
  4. Advanced Allocation Criteria (list item -1062)
    1. Construction and Maintenance (list item -2524)

When each job in the Framework system has the above properties updated (i.e major & minor work flow stage, cst/main manager & supervisor) any logistics site allocations are created, updated or deleted as required, by the usp_updateLogisticsAllocations database stored procedure. This is typically executed through the Framework system wherever these values can change - e.g Framework ECM, Logistics sync, Logistics Desktop Subs Manager etc.

The usp_updateLogisticsAllocations stored procedure will create/preserve job-site allocations under the following conditions:

  1. The job status is NOT:
    1. Cancelled (-8) NOR
    2. Deleted (-9)
  2. For sites with allocation method of 'Major Work Flow Stage' (-1000):
    1. Job Major Stage = Site's major allocation stage
  3. For sites with allocation method of 'Construction/Maintenance Manager' (-1001):
    1. The site's cst manager is one of the job's linked entities (in the job_entity table, with the role 'Cst Manger (id: -137)) AND
    2. The job's minor stage is:
      1. Permit (Id: -7) OR
      2. Admin Complete (Id: -8)
    3. The job's major stage is Construction (Id: -4) OR
    4. The job's major stage is Maintenance (Id: -5) AND
      1. The job's settlement date IS NULL OR
      2. The job's settlement date is within the threshold set by the preference 'Duration to Retain Maintenance Jobs (In Days)' (Id: -50069)
    5. The job's major stage is 'Building (Englobo)' (Id: -8) OR 
    6. The job's major stage is 'Building (Estate)' (Id: -12) OR
    7. The job's major stage is 'Building (Estate Stage)' (Id: -16)


    The site's manager criteria = a manager on an 'open' maintenance request for the job (i.e where the maintenance request sign off date is NULL OR is within the last month)

  4. For sites with allocation method of 'Construction/Maintenance Supervisor' (-1002):
    1. The site's cst supervisor is one of the job's linked entities (in the job_entity table, with the role 'Cst Supervisor (id: -136)) AND
    2. The job's minor stage is:
      1. Permit (Id: -7) OR
      2. Admin Complete (Id: -8)
    3. The job's major stage is Construction (Id: -4) OR
    4. The job's major stage is Maintenance (Id: -5) AND
      1. The job's settlement date IS NULL OR
      2. The job's settlement date is within the threshold set by the preference 'Duration to Retain Maintenance Jobs (In Days)' (Id: -50069)
    5. The job's major stage is 'Building (Englobo)' (Id: -8) OR
    6. The job's major stage is 'Building (Estate)' (Id: -12) OR
    7. The job's major stage is 'Building (Estate Stage)' (Id: -16)


    The site's manager criteria = a manager on an 'open' maintenance request for the job (i.e where the maintenance request sign off date is NULL OR is within the last month)

  5. For sites with an allocation method of 'Advanced Allocation Criteria':
    1. Criteria is 'Construction and Maintenance' (Id: -2524) AND
      1. The job's major stage is Cst (-4) OR
      2. The job's major stage is Maint (-5)

Any job allocations that exist but do NOT meet the above conditions for a given site/job are DELETED by the proc (i.e the jobs are de-allocated fro the site)

Job Type influence on Logistics Job Allocations

Job types do not dictate a job's logistics allocations directly, but rather indirectly as they dictate the specific set of work flow stages that a job can pass through.

See below for the explicit work flow stage names across the various Framework jobs types, that are eligible for a logistics job allocation:

Job Type NameMajor Work Flow StageMinor Work Flow StageDescription
General Grouping(None)(None)No relevant workflow stages - these job types will never be allocated to logistics tablets
Any estate child jobs are in the building major stage
Any estate stage child jobs are in the building major stage
Estate StageBuilding
Any child jobs are in the construction major stage
Single Lot - Land & Building(Admin)PermitJob is in Permit minor stage
Single Lot - Land & Building(Admin)Pre AdminJob is in Pre-Admin minor Stage
Single Lot - Land & BuildingConstruction
Job is in any Cst minor stage: Site Start, Base, Frame Stage 1, Frame, Lockup, Fix, PC Inspection, PC Sheet, Settlement, Constr Completion
Single Lot - Land & BuildingMaintenance
Job is in any Maint minor stage: Maint, Service, Maint Completion, Complete
Single Lot - Land Only(None)(None)No relevant workflow stages - these job types will never be allocated to logistics tablets

Pls see Helpstar #71328 for further information on Job Types and their Work Flow stages - I've included the Job Types user guide here:

HS#71328 Job Types User Guide.docx

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