Synchronise For Construction Managers

Synchronise For Construction Managers

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To speed up the job data synchronise process for construction managers, there is an option to synchronise this data on a regular basis and then copy the data to the Tablet PC. This procedure guide details how to set this up, automatically run the synchronisation, and copy the data to the manager's Tablet PC.

Note: This guide is written for those familiar with Framework Logistics Desktop and Framework Logistics Tablet. It involves knowledge of setting up a logistics site.

Framework ECM User Setup

In Framework ECM: 

  1. Create a new user with the following details: 

    • Username: LogisticsMgrSync

    • Password: 0000

Framework Logistics Desktop Site Setup

In Framework Logistics Desktop:

  1. Open the Logistics Site screen (Site > Logistics Site).

  2. Edit a logistics site. The Logistics Site dialog will be displayed. Typically this is Site #1.

  3. Enter a name. (Example: LogisticsMgrSync)

  4. Enter the Name/IP Address. (Note: This can be a server.)

  5. Select the Criteria Method as Major Work Flow Stage.

  6. Select the Criteria Value as Construction.

  7. Select the Connection tab.

  8. Under the Internet Connection group, enter the Confirmation Host, as required. (Note: Typically this is the IP Address of the Framework Server.)

  9. Under the VPN Connection group, enter the Confirmation Host, as required. (Note: Typically this is the IP Address of the Framework Server.)

  10. Enter the Host Server. (Note: Typically this is the IP Address of the Framework Server.)

  11. Enter the Framework DSN. This is the Framework ECM database data will be synchronised from.

  12. Enter the ODBC TCP/IP Port as: 1583

  13. Click OK. The Logistics Site dialog will close.

  14. Open the User Allocation screen (Site > User Allocation).

  15. From the Site drop down list, select LogisticsMgrSync.

  16. From the Users (Unallocated) list, select the LogisticsMgrSync user (as setup at the beginning of this procedure) and click  to allocate users. This will move the user to the Users (Allocate) list.

  17. Close Framework Logistics Tablet.

Framework Logistics Tablet Client Software Setup

The following applications MUST be installed before proceeding:

  • Framework Logistics Tablet

  • Insula Core Components

Start the Tablet PC. After logging in: 

  1. Open Windows Explorer.

  2. Copy a blank tablet database to the Tablet PC.

  3. Open Pervasive Control Center.

  4. Create a new database engine called FworkMgrSync pointing to the newly copied blank Tablet PC database.

  5. Close Pervasive Control Center.

  6. Open ODBC Data Source Administrator.

  7. Create a new Pervasive.SQL Client DSN called FworkCstLTablet, pointing to the local server address (i.e., localhost).

  8. Create a new Pervasive.SQL Client DSN called FworkEcm, pointing to the Framework server address.

  9. Close ODBC Data Source Administrator.

Run Framework Logistics Tablet:

  1. Click Yes to connect to the Framework ECM server and configure the site. The Framework Logistics Synchronise dialog will be displayed.

  2. The connection to the Internet, VPN, and Framework will be performed.

  3. Once completed, select the Advanced tab.

  4. Select the Daily (upload only) - Construction Data profile.

  5. Check the tick box for items 1-7.

  6. Click Start Synch.

  7. Once the synchronise has completed, Framework Logistics Tablet will automatically shut down.

  8. Open Framework Logistics Tablet and login using the LogisticsMgrSync username and password.

Prepare A .INI File For Windows Scheduled Task

On the Tablet PC, copy the following contents into a new .ini file (i.e., FworkCstLSync.ini). If unfamiliar with the environment or creating .ini files, please consult your Network Administrator or Insula Software support.

Review the items marked bold.

;Framework Construction Logistics Synchronise

;This file is a standard .ini file

;It's purpose is to be used for controlling the sync app for special use





;SMTP_UseSecurity: 1=Yes, 0=No






Mail_Subject="Framework Logistics Sync : FworkCstLMgrSync"

[Sync Options]

;SyncFlow: 0=Full, 1=UploadOnly


;Packet1 (Construction Progress): 0=No, 1=Yes


;Packet2 (Messages, Notifications): 0=No, 1=Yes


;Packet3 (Jobs, Orders, VOs, Tenders, Colours): 0=No, 1=Yes


;Packet4 (Tablet, Static Data, Entity, Prefs): 0=No, 1=Yes


;Packet5 (Keys, Templates, Standard Notes): 0=No, 1=Yes


;Packet6 (Company, Product, Land, Diary): 0=No, 1=Yes


;Packet7 (Calendar, RMS, Security): 0=No, 1=Yes


;UpdateAllocatedClients: 0=No, 1=Yes


;DeleteUnAllocatedData: 0=No, 1=Yes


;PerformLogging: 0=No, 1=Yes


;DisplayMsg: 0=No, 1=Yes


;ShowForm: 0=No, 1=Yes


;SendEmail: 0=No, 1=Yes


Create A Scheduled Task

Create a new scheduled task in Microsoft Windows.  

If unfamiliar in setting up scheduled tasks, please consult your Network Administrator.

The command line should look similar to the following:

"C:\Program Files\Insula Group Pty Ltd\Framework CstLTablet\Bin\FworkCstLSynchronise.exe" {Path}\FworkCstlSync.ini

  • Set the desired time to run the synchronisation.

  • An email will be sent to the mail recipient once the manager synchronisation is complete.

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