How to Reclaim a Virtual Contact
Where a contact has been invited with an incorrect email address, and where they haven't registered, you can "reclaim" the contact to make this change yourself.
Before you Begin
Make sure you're in the Manage Contacts role for Eden Brae
2. Search for the contact
3. Use the Reclaim as Virtual action to get control of the contact again.
How to edit/fix the email address of an integrated contact:
Best practice is to:
Fix via Framework:
Correct the email address in Framework.
Allow integration to update the Platform contact overnight
Invite the contact again from the platform, confirming the correct email address is now correct
Re-invite Immediately:
After clicking the 'Reclaim as Virtual' button you can re-invite the client immediately, by updating their email address to the correct address.
You will also need update the email address of the user in Framework to ensure it is correct for any emails/correspondence being sent from the office systems.