Document Dialog
Document Dialog - General Tab
The General tab is used to manage summary information about a document. The Summary group includes the total amounts for the document.
General Group
Field | Description |
Document Type | Type of document. This field is locked and cannot be edited. Example Tender, Variation, etc. |
Document Subtype | Sub-type of document. This field is locked and cannot be edited. Example Tender Variation, Post Contract Variation, Building Variation, etc. |
Number | Number of documents that have been created for a document type. Click the Unlock button to manually enter a number. The Number field would be manually entered to give the flexibility of creating sequentially numbered documents for clients. Example Let's say there are five documents that have been created for a building variation, each with a status of draft. When the final version has been created, you may wish to re-number the final document as number one as the previous versions were only drafts. |
Reference (Client/PO#) | Reference relating to the Client or Purchase Order. |
Reference (Internal) | Reference for Internal purposes. |
Raised By | Person who has raised the document. Click the Raised By popup button to select. |
Approved By | Person who has approved the document. Click the Approved By popup button to select. |
Status | Status of the document. Click the Status popup button to select. The status identifies the condition of the document and whether it will be used in the future. Standard selections include:
- All documents have a status of Draft when first created. |
Level of Difficulty | |
GST Rate | Rate of GST that will be applied to the document totals. |
Estimation Group
Field | Description |
Estimator | Estimator responsible for the document. Click the Estimator popup button to select. |
Ordered | Date the estimation for the document was ordered. |
Start | Date the estimation for the document was started. |
Complete | Date the estimation for the document was completed. |
Received | Date the estimation for the document was received. |
Document Group
Field | Description |
Prepared | Forecast: Date the document is forecast to be prepared. Actual: Actual date the document was prepared. This date is automatically updated with today's date, but can be manually edited if required. |
Validity | Number of days that the document will remain valid prior to signing. |
Expiry | Date the document will expire if not signed by the client. This date is calculated by adding the Actual Prepared date with the number of days in the Validity field. A manual date can be entered if no date is entered into the Actual Prepared field. If the expiry passes before the document is signed, pricing to the client may be reviewed. |
Signed | Forecast: Date the document is forecast to be signed by the client. Actual: Actual date the client signed the document. |
Approved | Date the document was approved. |
Completion of Works
Field | Description |
Work Start | Forecast: Date the Work is forecast to begin. Actual: Actual date the Work began. |
Work Completion | Forecast: Date the Work is forecast to complete. Actual: Actual date the Work completed. |
Appointment Group
Field | Description |
First Appointment | Date of the first appointment created in the diary for this document. This field is locked and cannot be edited. |
Appointment Count | Number of appointments that have been made for this document. This field is locked and cannot be edited. |
Current Appointment | Date of the current appointment that was created for this document in the diary. This field is locked until an appointment has been created. |
Presenter | Person who is presenting the document to the client at the appointment. This person is selected when the diary appointment is created. This field is locked and cannot be edited. |
Credit Allowance Group
Field | Description |
Allowance (inc GST) | Credit allowance (including GST) for the document. A credit allowance is an amount attributed to the client from the builder. Example A promotion or bonus amount credited to the client, such as a promotional offer or a payment offered for work that is delayed. |
Allocated (inc GST) | Total amount (including GST) of all allocated items. This is the total of the Retail Credit (inc GST) field on the Item dialog for all items contained in the document. This field is locked and cannot be edited. |
Balance (inc GST) | Balance (including GST) of the Allowance (inc GST) and Allocated (inc GST) fields. This field is locked and cannot be edited. |
Summary Group
Field | Description |
Programme Impact | Total number of programme impact days the document will extend the length of the anticipated completion date (contract duration). This field is locked and cannot be edited. Programme impact days are recorded on the Item dialog. |
Total Cost (ex GST) | Total cost amount (excluding GST) for all of the items in the document. This field is locked and cannot be edited. Amounts are recorded on the Item dialog. |
Total Retail (ex GST) | Total retail amount (excluding GST) for all of the items in the document. This field is locked and cannot be edited. Amounts are recorded on the Item dialog. |
Total Retail (GST) | Total retail GST amount for all of the items in the document. This field is locked and cannot be edited. Amounts are recorded on the Item dialog. |
Total Retail (inc GST) | Total retail amount (including GST) for all of the items in the document. This field is locked and cannot be edited. Amounts are recorded on the Item dialog. |
Document Name/Pricing Group
Field | Description |
Name | Name given to the document or pricing group for the document. There are three potential naming methods;
These names are created using the Standard Notes functionality in the Framework Administration application. |
Reference | Reference name given to the document or pricing group for the document. By default this name is a combination of the Document Subtype and Number fields (e.g., Building Variation 4). Click the Reference copy button to copy the default name or manually enter a name. |
External System Links Group
Field | Description |
Document PKID | Primary key ID that is used internally for references to the database. This field is locked and cannot be edited. |
BOQ Reference | External Bill Of Quantities (BOQ) reference given to the document. Bill Of Quantities is an itemised list of materials, parts, and labour (with their costs) required to construct, maintain, or repair a specific structure. |
Integrated? - Accounts | Has been integrated to Accounts? |
Reference - Accounts | Accounts Integration reference |
Notes Group
Free text area for notes regarding the document.
Document Dialog - Items Tab
The Items tab is used to manage all groups and items that are to be included in the document. This tab includes toolbar icons, a Groups list, and an Items list. All items must be placed in a group.
A group must be created before any items can be added.
The Items tab can also be used to import templates or previously created documents from other areas of Framework.
Groups List
Column | Description |
# | Position of the group in the Groups list. This is automatically updated if the group moves position. |
Name | Name of the group. |
# Items | Number of items that have been included in the group. This field/function is currently disabled. |
Impact | Number of programme impact days for the group, based on the included items. |
Credits | Credit allowance for the document group, based on the included items. |
Total Price | Calculated total retail price (including GST) for the group, based on the included items. |
Items List
Column | Description |
# | Position of the item in the Items list. This is automatically updated if the item moves position. |
VPB Ref. | Variation Price Book reference, if the item has originated from the VPB. If the item is not referenced using the VPB, this field will be empty. |
Description | Description of the item. |
Price | Retail price (including GST) of the item. |
Published | Published price (including GST) of the item. The published price can differ to the retail price. |
Importing A Document Template
A document may include one or more pre-existing templates. To import a document:
- Click Import. The Select Document Import Source dialog will be displayed.
Select the document import source.
- Document Template v2
- Framework Sales Advice Management Document (opens the Select Sales Advice dialog).
- Job Document (from another job). This is used to copy a document from another job.- Follow the process to import a document.
- The Groups and Items lists will be updated.
- Click OK. The dialog will close.
Creating A Document Group
A document group must be created before any document items can be manually added.
- Select the Groups list. A shadow will appear around the list to indicate it is selected.
- Click the New Item toolbar button. The Document Group dialog will be displayed.
- Enter the details.
- Click OK. The dialog will close a new document group will be created.
Creating A Document Item
A document group must be selected before any document items can be manually added.
- From the Groups list, select the required document group. The Items list will be updated.
- Select the Items list. A shadow will appear around the list to indicate it is selected.
- Click the New Item toolbar button. The Item dialog will be displayed.
- Enter the details.
- Click OK. The dialog will close a new document item will be created.
Moving Groups And Items
The position of a group or item in its respective list may be manually moved by using the appropriate toolbar icons. When an item is moved to another position on the list, the numbering changes to reflect this move.
Groups or items may be moved up or down one position, or to the top or bottom of the lists.
Item Dialog
This dialog is used to add standard and non-standard items to a document, such as a tender or variation.
A standard item is one whose details, including price, remains the same as the original Variation Price Book (VPB) item. A non-standard item is either a standard VPB item that has been customised in the document or has been created in the document.
Framework ECM handles the pricing of quantities and units of non-standard items differently than standard items. The system does not calculate a unit’s price for a non-standard item. For an item that consists of several items for which a calculation is expected, the total price for the items must be entered and the description must reflect how the total price is calculated.
General Group
Field | Description |
VPB Version Number | The version of the Price Book used for the content of the item. |
VPB Version Full Name | Price Book Full Name |
Item Group
Field | Description |
Number | Document item number. This field is locked and cannot be edited. |
VPB Reference | Variation Price Book (VPB) reference, if the item has originated from the VPB. Click the VPB Reference popup button to select. - If the item is not referenced using the VPB, this field will be empty. - If a standard VPB item is selected, a VPB reference will be displayed in this field. When a VPB item is selected, only the VPB Reference, Standard VPB Item?,Quantity, Show On Client Docs?, and Style fields can be edited. |
Standard VPB Item? | Is the item from the VPB?
Standard VPB items can be modified by selecting a standard VPB item followed by toggling the Standard VPB Item? field to No. |
Use Standard BOQ? | Does the item use a standard Bill Of Quantities (BOQ) reference?
Example The default BOQ reference for a facade-related VPB item links to a specific BOQ in the third party estimating system. The facade-related VPB item is used in a tender document but it is required to link to a different BOQ in the third party estimating system. As such, the BOQ Reference field is unlocked and manually updated with the correct BOQ reference link. |
Nature | Category applied to the item. Click the Nature popup button to select. Example An item called Split System may be categorised as Electrical. Other examples include Structural, Fittings, Painting, etc. |
Location | Area of the house to which the item applies. Click the Location popup button to select. Example A item called the Terra Incognita Garage Door may have their location set to Garage. Other examples include Facade, Windows, Doors, Garage Variations, etc. |
Quantity | Number of items required. Example Bricks (per 1,000) are selected based on the size of the house. If 15.0 is entered for a house type, it indicates that 15,000 bricks are required for the selected item. |
Unit | Unit of measurement used to describe the quantity. Example Each, Per Job, m, m2, lm, etc. |
Permit Significant? | Does the selection of the item affect the permit approval process?
Energy Significant? | Does the selection of the item affect the overall energy rating of the house?
Programme Impact | Number of days the item will add or subtract from the build time. |
GST Applies? | Does the item have GST applied?
Example As GST is not applied to items relating to finance or interest, an example of a item that does not have GST applied would be Interest for Late Payment. |
External System Links Group
Field | Description |
BOQ Reference | Bill Of Quantities (BOQ) reference in an estimating system for the job. |
Pricing Group
Field | Description |
Cost Price (ex GST) | Cost price (ex GST) of the item. |
Retail Debit Formula | Formula used to calculate retail price. |
Retail Debit | Retail value of the item. ex GST Retail debit (ex GST) value of the item. GST Retail debit (GST) value of the item. This field is locked and cannot be edited. If the GST Applies? field is set to No, this will display the figure $0.00. inc GST Retail debit (inc GST) value of the item. This field is calculated by the addition of the Retail Debit (ex GST) and Retail Debit (GST)amounts. Example Let's say that a customer wishes to upgrade the bricks used for their new house. - The Retail Debit (ex GST) price for the brick upgrade is $1000 and the Retail Debit (GST) field is $100, then the total cost (Retail Debit (inc GST)) of the brick upgrade is will be $1100 ($1000 + $100). |
Retail Credit | Retail discount value of the item. This amount is deducted from the Retail Debit amount to calculate the total retail price. ex GST Retail credit (ex GST) value of the item. GST Retail credit (GST) value of the item. This field is locked and cannot be edited. If the GST Applies? field is set to No, this will display the figure $0.00. inc GST Retail credit (inc GST) value of the item. This field is calculated by the addition of the Retail Credit (ex GST) and Retail Credit (GST)amounts. Example Let's say that the bricks chosen for the upgrade are part of a $220 promotional price deduction. - The Retail Debit (ex GST) amount to be refunded to the client for the brick upgrade is $200 and the Retail Debit (GST) field is $20, then the total price reduction (Retail Debit (inc GST)) for the brick upgrade is will be $220 ($200 + $20). |
Retail Price | Total retail price of the item. The retail price fields are a calculation of the Retail Credit andRetail Debit fields. ex GST Retail price (ex GST) value of the item. GST Retail price (GST) value of the item. This field is locked and cannot be edited. If the GST Applies? field is set to No, this will display the figure $0.00. inc GST Retail price (inc GST) of the item. This field is calculated by the addition of the Retail Price (ex GST) and Retail Price (GST)amounts. Example The retail price is a calculation of the retail debit and retail credit fields. - The total retail price (inc GST) for the brick upgrade is the Retail Debit (inc GST)amount of $1100 subtracted by the Retail Credit (inc GST) amount of $220 which equates to the total Retail Price (inc GST) amount of $880. |
Pricing | Base price status of the item. Click the Pricing popup button to select.
Show On Client Docs? | Is the pricing information displayed on client documentation? Example Client Tender Document, etc.
Published Price Group
Field | Description |
Style | Font style for the item when printed. Click the Style popup button to select. |
Format | Format used to display the published Price (inc GST) field below. Example By Owner, Included, No Charge, Not Available, etc. If the format is [Retail Price], a dollar amount will be displayed in the Price (inc GST) field. However, if a string field such as No Charge is displayed, the No Charge text string is copied to the Price (inc GST) field. The ability to display custom text in the Price (inc GST) field is also supported. |
Price (inc GST) | Published price of the item. This field will display either a dollar amount or text. |
Notes Group
Free text area for notes regarding the item.
Document Dialog - Notes Tab
The Notes tab is record details about the document in free text.