Administration Final Variation List

Administration Final Variation List

The Administration Final Variation List (FVL) is created when all tender, tender variation, colour, contract, and post contract variation documents are complete. The Final Variation List (FVL) will only include the current documents that have a status of final and that have a signed date.

There are two ways in which an FVL may be created:

  • By copying a job's document, permitting reconciliation of items. Reconciliation is permitted only through the FVL screen, where individual items may be selected and modified.
  • By linking to a job's document, not permitting reconciliation of items. All related documents that were used to create the FVL are no longer available for further modification. The only way in which these documents can be modified is by first deleting the FVL, then re-creating it when changes have been completed.

Once an FVL has been created the documents that have been included cannot be modified.

Summary information at the top of the screen indicates the number of FVL documents that have been created and the prepared and signed dates.


Creating An Administration Final Variation List

When creating an FVL, any existing FVL will be deleted.

When the required documents have a status of Final:

  1. Click New. The Create Final Variation List confirmation prompt will appear.
  2. Click Yes to copy a job's documents into a new document that can be reconciled.
    Click No to create a final variation list that links to the job's document (cannot be reconciled).
If there are any variations that have a status of Draft or do not have a signed date entered, a confirmation prompt will be displayed alerting the presence of an unresolved post contract variation. Any messages will need to addressed before the final variation list can be created.

Reconciling A Final Variation List

The printing of the FVL is the last step before a job's ordering occurs. To ensure that the printed FVL is accurate, Framework ECM includes the ability to manually reconcile an FVL.

Manual reconciliation allows the removal of items and the clarification of any notes. Where an item has been added to a tender as part of a template, then later removed as part of a variation order, that item will no longer appear in the printed FVL, thus reducing the possibility of over-ordering or confusion.

When creating an FVL that can be modified, all related documents are copied and included in a new document. The individual documents used to create the FVL are now locked and are not able to be modified in any way.

Manual reconciliation of an FVL can only occur through the FVL screen, and any changes made here will not be seen on the original documents, nor will they be retained should the FVL require deleting and re-creating.

All signed and final documents have been combined into one document for ease of use. A reference has also been added to each description to identify the original location of the item in the original document.

To reconcile a final variation list: 

  1. From the Construction FVL Groups list, select the required FVL group to be reconciled.
  2. Click Edit. The General tab of the Document dialog will be displayed. This document is the FVL and it displays the items that have been brought through.
  3. Select the Items tab.
  4. To remove an item from the FVL, select a group or item and click .
Any changes affect only the FVL, not the original variations or tender.
  1. Click OK. The dialog will close, saving all changes.

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