Creating a New Client
Matthew Garrett
The New Client Wizard is designed to streamline the process of entering a new client into TFS.
- From the File menu, select New then Client (Or press the F8 key.). The Create/Select New Client prompt will appear.
- Click the Yes button to create a new client that will be based on an entity that is NOT already established in TFS.
Click the No button to create a client based on an entity already established in TFS. The Search dialog will be displayed allowing you to search for an entity already in the system.
Click the Cancel button to cancel the process.
The New Client dialog will be displayed
The Create a New Client Wizard Involves the Following Steps;
The General tab is designed to enter basic information about the client.
Important: If you are creating a Prospect instead of a Client, see the instructions below for Selecting the Client Class.
- Click the Type popup button (
). The Select Client Type dialog will be displayed.
- It is important to select the correct Client Type as this controls what fields are displayed.
- Select the required client type.
- Click the OK button.
Click the Type popup button (). The Select Client Type dialog will be displayed.
By default, the Client Class will be Client unless creating a quote for the first time in which case the Client Class will be Prospect.
If the current user is a broker they will be selected as the default broker. If required, another broker can be selected.
- Click the Broker popup button (
). The Select Broker dialog will be displayed.
- Select the required broker.
- Click the OK button.
The Security field is used as a check if a client requires information about their records. A client can be given, or they can select, a password (e.g., what city were you born in? What is your mother's maiden name?). The answer to this question will be entered into the Password field.
The Client Notes/Background field is used as an overview for information about the client. This information is included in applications for finance as it is reused over time. It should not contain any application specific information
Important Concepts
- First Name(s): When entering the client's name, any middle name(s) should be entered into the First Name(s) field. For example, the full name 'Paul Anthony Watts' will have Paul Anthony written in the First Name(s) field.
- Full Name Field: the complete legal entity name for the client. This is the name that will appear on finance applications. For trustee companies and other complex company structures, all relevant legal details must be included here.
- Short Name: The name used for searching and that will be displayed on reports. By default it will display the client's surname first.
- Security Password: The security section is used if the client wishes to give you, the broker, a password that can be used for them to identify themselves when they request details. The broker can verify this password by looking at the Security Password.
- (Industry) Name: the industry classification. For example, Agriculture, Government, Retail, Wholesale, etc..
- A.B.N. (Australian Business Number) Field: required for all applications to identify the company. TFS will validate an entered A.B.N.
- A.C.N. (Australian Company Number): Every company will have an ACN number.
- A.R.B.N. (Australian Registered Business Number): This number is given to a company that is based internationally.
- Established: The number of years since the company was established. Entering either the year established or number of years in operation will update the other.
- Structure: this is the type of entity. For example, Individual, Non Profit Organisation, Partnership, Private Company, Public Company, Trust, or Trustee.
- GST Registered: Is the company registered for GST. It is rare that a company would not be registered but technically, if a company does not turnover a certain amount, they do not have to register for GST.
The Address/Telephone tab allows users to add specific contact details for a client such as telephone numbers, email addresses, and websites.
You can define as many addresses as required.
Adding an Address
- Enter the address details under the Address group.
- Click on the right-arrow button (
) to move the address into the Addresses list on the right hand side of the dialog.
To alter an address, select it from the Addresses list and click the left-arrow button (), edit the information, and click the right-arrow button to return it to the Addresses list.
A Primary and Postal address must be entered. This can be the same address.
- Enter the telephone details under the Telephone group.
- Click the right-arrow button (
) to move the contact details into the Telephone Numbers list on the right hand side of the dialog.
To remove redundant or incorrect contact details, select the value from the Telephone Numbers list and click the left-arrow button ().
Important Concepts
- Address (Description field): if a client has lived at their current address for less than two (2) years, some finance institutions require a previous address. Selecting Street Address - Previous from the Description field will allow the entry of a previous address.
- Postal Address: if there are multiple addresses in the Addresses list, one of these must be selected as the Postal Address. By default, the first address entered will be selected as the Postal Address although users can click the Set Primary button (
) to set the Postal Address.
- Custom? Field: allows the user to specify a non-standard address, such as a foreign address.
- Copy Address Button (
): located next to the group heading, this allows users to copy address details from the contacts into the client's own details. This only applies to clients who have one or more contacts listed.
- Copy Number Button (
): located next to the group heading, this allows users to copy telephone details from the contacts into the client's own details. This only applies to clients who have one or more contacts listed.
- Set Primary: Click the Set Primary toolbar button to set a different address or telephone number as the primary.
- The Online Map popup button can be used to open Google Maps.
- The field related to Addresses Registered Office? indicates if this address is the office that is registered for tax purposes. If P.O Box, DX Number, Reply Paid or Locked Bag are chosen for the Address Description then Registered Office? will be set to No.
The Contacts tab allows users to add contacts for a particular client or to add contacts that already exist in the system.
Adding a New Contact
If the Client Type is an individual, they will automatically be added to the Contact tab.
- On the New Client dialog toolbar, click the New button (). The Create/Select Entity prompt will appear.
- Click the Yes button to create a new client contact that will be based on an entity that is NOT already established in TFS (see Create a New Contact under Managing Contacts).
Important Concepts
When the client is an Individual, the client name will be added automatically as the primary contact to the Contacts list. In this case, users cannot edit the contact on this dialog until the New Client Wizard has been completed and the client can be edited on the Client Overview screen.
The Marketing tab allows the tailoring of marketing strategies towards clients.
Click the Popup button and select the broker whom the client belongs to. If you are logged in as a Broker that broker will automatically be assigned as the owner of the client.
These fields are used to indicate how a client wishes to be contacted. The three fields are:
- Preferred Contact Method: Select the best marketing method for the client.
- Rank: Prioritise the importance of marketing to this client. It can also beusedasa sorting criteria when performing client marketing.
- Marketing Notes: Add any notes relating to the client.
The Contact Dates allow you to record the dates that you Last Contacted your client and the date when you should Next Contact your client.
This can be used in Report and Smart Campaign criteria. You can also use the fields to filter customers on the Customer screen(Link required)
The Product Requirements Profile fields are used to identify what types of products the client may be interested in. This can be used in Report and Smart Campaign criteria. Use the spacebar to toggle between Yes and No.
The Marketing Participation group is used to select what type of marketing the client will receive. By default, Client and All Entities will be selected as Yes.
If the Preferred Contact Method above is set to Do Not Contact, then the default settings will be set to No.
These fields indicate the marketing literature a client can receive. For example, an organisation may have separate marketing literature for:
- Clients
- Vendors/Suppliers
- Referrers/Introducers
- Generic Suppliers
- All Entities
The Marketing Format fields indicate which marketing styles the client will accept marketing in. These formats include:
- Fax
- Telephone
This field is currently disabled.
The Services tab lists important associates of the client, such as their bank or accountant.
- Click the Company popup button (
). The Select [Service Provider]dialog will be displayed.
- From the Entity Role drop-down list, select the required entity role, such as 'Accountant'.
- Enter all or part of the entity's name in the Name field to further filter the Entity list.
- From the Entity list, select the required service.
- If you know the name of the contact and it is displayed in the list, select the required contact from the Contacts list
- Click the OK button.
- Click the Company popup button (
). The Select Insurerdialog will be displayed.
- Enter all or part of the entity's name in the Name field to further filter the Entity list.
- From the Insurer list, select the required insurer.
- If you know the name of the contact, select the required contact.
- Click the OK button. The Select Insurerdialog will close.
- Enter the insurer details.
Premium Financed?: Is an option to indicate whether or not the broker is financing the client's insurance premium. Users can also enter any other details about the insurer.
The References tab allows users to enter details about client referees.
- Click the Type popup button (
). The Select Reference Typedialog will be displayed.
- Select the required reference type.
- Click the OK button. The Select Reference Typedialog will close.
- Enter the reference details.
- Click the right-arrow button (
) to move the reference into the Reference list on theright hand side of thedialog.
To alter a reference, select it from the References list and click the left-arrow button ( ), edit the information, and click the right-arrow button to return it to the References list.
The Accounts tab allows users to enter bank account details for the client.
Bank account details would only be captured for the purpose of printing out direct debit forms for where the client will be making their payments from.
- Enter the account details.
- Click the right-arrow button (
) to move the account into the Accounts list on the right-hand side of the dialog.
To remove a redundant or incorrect account, select the account from the Accounts list and click the left-arrow button ().
The Employment tab allows users to enter the employment history of a client.
The Employment tab will only be visible if the Client Type is set to Individual.
- Enter the employment details.
- Click the right-arrow button (
) to move the employment into the Employment list on the right-hand side of the dialog.
Only enter income details for the client's current employment as these details will appear in the client's Assets list.
Note: To remove a redundant or incorrect employment, select the employment from the Employments list and click the left-arrow button ().
- Occupation Field: enter the Occupation field as it is used in both the finance application as well as SmartLodge.
- Income Group: if the income details are entered, an income asset is created on the Assets tab (Step 9 - Assets). If the income details require changing, this will be done through the employment record.
- Employer Group: the employer details can be entered manually or via the popup button (
) next to the Name field.
- Employment List: displays the employment history list. Users can set the current employment using the Set Primary button (
The Assets tab allows brokers to enter the client's current assets.
The Assets tab will only be visible if the Client Type is set to Individual.
If you have added other client contacts on the Contacts tab (Step 3 - Contacts), they will appear in the Joint Owners list. Before clicking the right-arrow button to add an asset, double-click a contact in the Joint Owners list to indicate that an asset is jointly owned.
- Enter the asset details.
- Click the right-arrow button (
) to move the asset into the Assets list on the right-hand side of the dialog.
1. To remove a redundant or incorrect asset, select the asset from the Assets list and click the left-arrow button ().
2. A user cannot remove an Income Asset Type if it was created as part of creating an employment history. To remove that particular Income Asset Type, please return to Step 8 - Employment.
- Category: Select the type of asset it is.
- Asset Type: Use the Space Bar to toggle between Asset and Income.
- Period: Used to enter dates for the life of the asset. For example a new car may have a depreciation of 5 years. This period would be entered in the Period field.
- Encumbrance Group: Is used if there is any money owing on an asset. This will allow the user to enter the details of the company that has the encumbrance and the amount of the encumbrance. If an asset has an encumbrance, this creates a liability record. The encumbrance Notes are the notes that will be displayed next to the liability.
- Joint Owners: Any client contacts that were entered on the Contact tab will be displayed in the Joint Owners list. An asset can have joint owners.
The Liabilities tab allows users to enter the client's current liabilities.
The Liabilities tab will only be visible if the Client Type is set to Individual.
If you have added other client contacts on the Contacts tab (Step 3 - Contacts), they will appear in the Joint Owners list.
Before clicking the right-arrow button to add a liability, double-click a contact in the Joint Owners list to indicate that a liability is jointly owned.
Note: a tick next to the contact in the Joint Owners list means that when a liability is added, the contacts with a tick will also have a link to the liability.
- Enter the liability details.
- Click the right-arrow button (
) to move the liability into the Liabilities list on the right-hand side of thedialog.
1. To remove a redundant or incorrect liability, select the liability from the Liabilities list and click the left-arrow button ().
2. A user cannot remove a liability from the Liabilities list that is an encumbrance for an asset. This form of liability can only be edited from the Asset that created the encumbrance (Step 9 - Assets).
Liability Type: use the Space Bar to toggle between Liability and Expense.
To Finalise Creating a New Client
Click the Finish button. The New Client dialog will close and the user will be taken to the Client Overview screen.