Step 1 - General
Step 1 - General
The General tab is designed to enter basic information about the client.
Important: If you are creating a Prospect instead of a Client, see the instructions below for Selecting the Client Class.
Important Concepts
- First Name(s): When entering the client's name, any middle name(s) should be entered into the First Name(s) field. For example, the full name 'Paul Anthony Watts' will have Paul Anthony written in the First Name(s) field.
- Full Name Field: the complete legal entity name for the client. This is the name that will appear on finance applications. For trustee companies and other complex company structures, all relevant legal details must be included here.
- Short Name: The name used for searching and that will be displayed on reports. By default it will display the client's surname first.
- Security Password: The security section is used if the client wishes to give you, the broker, a password that can be used for them to identify themselves when they request details. The broker can verify this password by looking at the Security Password.
- (Industry) Name: the industry classification. For example, Agriculture, Government, Retail, Wholesale, etc..
- A.B.N. (Australian Business Number) Field: required for all applications to identify the company. TFS will validate an entered A.B.N.
- A.C.N. (Australian Company Number): Every company will have an ACN number.
- A.R.B.N. (Australian Registered Business Number): This number is given to a company that is based internationally.
- Established: The number of years since the company was established. Entering either the year established or number of years in operation will update the other.
- Structure: this is the type of entity. For example, Individual, Non Profit Organisation, Partnership, Private Company, Public Company, Trust, or Trustee.
- GST Registered: Is the company registered for GST. It is rare that a company would not be registered but technically, if a company does not turnover a certain amount, they do not have to register for GST.
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