Step 5 - Services

Step 5 - Services


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The Services tab lists important associates of the client, such as their bank or accountant.

 Selecting a Service Provider - Click here to expand...
  1. Click the Company popup button (). The Select [Service Provider]dialog will be displayed.
  2. From the Entity Role drop-down list, select the required entity role, such as 'Accountant'.
  3. Enter all or part of the entity's name in the Name field to further filter the Entity list.
  4. From the Entity list, select the required service.
  5. If you know the name of the contact and it is displayed in the list, select the required contact from the Contacts list
  6. Click the OK button.
 Selecting an Insurer - Click here to expand...
  1. Click the Company popup button (). The Select Insurerdialog will be displayed.
  2. Enter all or part of the entity's name in the Name field to further filter the Entity list.
  3. From the Insurer list, select the required insurer.
  4. If you know the name of the contact, select the required contact.
  5. Click the OK button. The Select Insurerdialog will close.
  6. Enter the insurer details.


Premium Financed?: Is an option to indicate whether or not the broker is financing the client's insurance premium. Users can also enter any other details about the insurer.