Step 10 - Liabilities

Step 10 - Liabilities


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The Liabilities tab allows users to enter the client's current liabilities.

The Liabilities tab will only be visible if the Client Type is set to Individual.

 Selecting Joint Owners - Click here to expand...

If you have added other client contacts on the Contacts tab (Step 3 - Contacts), they will appear in the Joint Owners list.

Before clicking the right-arrow button to add a liability, double-click a contact in the Joint Owners list to indicate that a liability is jointly owned.

Note: a tick next to the contact in the Joint Owners list means that when a liability is added, the contacts with a tick will also have a link to the liability.

 Adding a Liability - Click here to expand...
  1. Enter the liability details.
  2. Click the right-arrow button () to move the liability into the Liabilities list on the right-hand side of thedialog.

1. To remove a redundant or incorrect liability, select the liability from the Liabilities list and click the left-arrow button ().
2. A user cannot remove a liability from the Liabilities list that is an encumbrance for an asset. This form of liability can only be edited from the Asset that created the encumbrance (Step 9 - Assets).


Liability Type: use the Space Bar to toggle between Liability and Expense.