Deactivating a user in Framework

Deactivating a user in Framework

  1. Open Framework ECM. Navigate to Security Module

      2. Select the 'User' Folder and click 'Edit' at the bottom of the screen


3. Select the user by double clicking and flag 'Inactive' status as 'Yes'

4. Navigate to the Region/Division tab. Double click on the Region/Division and Flag 'Inactive' to 'Yes'

5. Navigate to the Administration Module in Framework ECM.

6. Select the 'Entity' Folder 

 -Select 'Staff member' from the Entity Roles list.

  -Select 'Edit' and double click on the user

  -Select the 'Roles' tab

  -Double click on the user and flag 'Inactive' to 'Yes'

Note: All roles will need to be made inactive so that this user cannot be selected for anything in Framework.

  -Click 'OK'

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