Synchronising Framework Users to SAM

Synchronising Framework Users to SAM

In some cases, users suggest they are unable to access Sales Advice, despite them being able to access Framework Ecm without any issue. The reason why users are unable to log in is because they have not yet been synchronised to Sales Advice. The below guide explores how to enable users to access Sales Advice, as well as how to set up users as a Salesperson properly. If you do not set up a user correctly, you may encounter this issue.

Recommendation: Ensure all users have exit from Sales Advice (SAM) before performing Synchronisations

When adding a new user to Framework ECM you must ensure a Synchronise is performed in Sales Advice to enable the user access.

  1. Open the Sales Advice Module.
  2. Click on File and then LAN Sync.


Once the LAN Synchronisation dialog is open:

  1. Navigate to the Administration tab
  2. Select the Framework User you want to Sync
  3. Use the arrow button to copy the user to the Sales Advice Users list
  4. Update the Salesperson Name, Location, Telephone, Mobile, Email, etc. Note: You must update the Salesperson Name field for the Salesperson's Name to appear in Sales Advice. 
  5. Press Save
  6. Press Close

If at any time, you require a re-synch (i.e. in the case of updated passwords/usernames), you can simply select the 'save' button to update the information.

Ensure your Framework User is assigned the Entity Role of Salesperson. This will enable you to select them as a Salesperson in Sales Advice.

Navigate to the Administration module within Framework Ecm

  1. Select Entity tab / Entity
  2. Select staff member from entity roles
  3. Select the staff member you want to add as a Salesperson
  4. Select edit once you have the staff member selected
  5. Navigate to roles tab, and then select new item
  6. Select Salesperson from the entity role name popup box, as well as fill out other information as necessary
  7. Select OK

This user will now have the Salesperson role allocated to them, ready to be synchronised to Sales Advice.

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