Framework ECM Inbox Solution

Framework ECM Inbox Solution

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This information is to be used as a guide for builders implementing the Framework ECM Inbox Solution.  This solution monitors incoming emails and creates comments in CRM providing a centralised method of capturing all communications with the customer.

Emails from Office365 are monitored and filtered using the following criteria. Where an email meets any of the following criteria it will be saved against the job in the CRM Comments.

Email monitoring/filtering criteria


Email Body/Subject


Recipient list



Email Body/Subject


Recipient list



Contains a project reference

(e.g body/subject contains a text in the pattern of “Project Ref: XXXX” )



For the Inbox email monitor to pick up that a number is a Job number (and not a Phone Number or Street Number) it must have one of the following in front of it to be able to be picked up correctly. (Job, Project, Proj, Ref, Reference, Id, Identifier) eg. Job 0019702.


<does not contain any reference to a project>

Is a Customer


[Can have manager(s), supervisor(s) or a staff member(s) ]

If a matching project exists in the filter lists, with the sender as a customer, add the communication under that project.


<does not contain any reference to a project>


[Can be a manager, supervisor or a staff member]

Contains a Customer

If a matching project exists with the customer found in recipient list, add the communication under the project.


<does not contain any reference to a project>

<Any of scenario 2 or 3>

If multiple projects matched, add as candidate records so that an admin can decide what project should have the communication


<does not contain any reference to a project>

No matching recipients / sender

No action


Group 1: (Mandatory & case-insensitive)

  • Job

  • Project

  • Proj

Group 2: (Optional & case-insensitive)

  • Id

  • Ref

  • Reference

Joiners : (Optional)

  • - (hyphen)

  • : (colon)

  • = (equal)

  • (space)


Filtering key/text (in email body or subject) should be in the format as below.

[Mandatory Group1 term] [optional space] [Optional Group2 term] [Optional Joiner] [actual job ref/Id]


Based on the above, having “Job” or “project” is mandatory, but “Ref” or “Reference” is a group 2 term similar to “Id”. i.e Having “Ref” only will not enable a text getting filtered. Instead it should be combined with either ‘job’ or ‘project’. Some correct filtering examples are listed below.

  • Job 12345

  • Project 12345

  • Job:12345

  • Project-12345

  • Job Id 12345

  • Job Ref 12345

  • Project Ref 12345

  • Proj Ref:12345

  • ProjRef:12345


Group 1 (Mandatory)

Group 2 (Optional)

Joiner (Optional)

Group 1 (Mandatory)

Group 2 (Optional)

Joiner (Optional)






















Customers with One Framework Job

Where the sender's email address is the same as the client’s email address in Framework, the email will be saved in the CRM Comments in green.

Customers with Multiple Framework Jobs

Where the sender's email address is the same as the client’s contact email address AND the email address is held against 2 or more jobs, the email will appear against all jobs until the email is linked to the correct job.

These emails appear in red in CRM Comments until they are linked.

To link an email to the correct job open the Email (in CRM Comments) and click on the Jobs tab. Hi-light the correct job and single-click on the ‘Linked’ column.

To ensure multiple jobs do not display temporary (red) emails, make the incorrect jobs ‘Inactive’ by clicking on the linked cell twice, this will turn the colour to grey.

Red = Temporary Email

White/Green = Successfully linked email to the correct job

Grey = Inactive job

To delete an email, highlight the email in CRM Comments and click Delete.

Note: Users must have security permissions to delete comments to action this.

Note: Standard CRM Comments will appear white.

To view email attachments click on the Attachments tab and double click on the attachment to download the file.


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