Construction Logistics - Managing Email & Schedule Requests
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In Framework v8, Logistics SupplierConnect Notifications (eg. call-ups, rescheduling, call-offs, etc.) are now called “Schedule Requests”.
SupplierConnect notifications were previously sent via email. They are now queued and sent via Framework Cloud.
The Logistics Tablet solution no longer uses/requires Microsoft Outlook. Email sent from the solution is now also sent via Framework Cloud.
Schedule Request Outbox
New screens have been introduced to manage the Outbox for Schedule Requests and for Communications (email).
From the Logistics Tablet context bar, two new icons have been implemented which will direct the user to the “Outbox” screens in Logistics Tablet.
Outbox - Scheduling Requests (ie. SupplierConnect Requests)
Outbox - Communications (ie. Email)
The value shown against each icon displays the current number of items in the Outbox.
When there is an item with an issue to be resolved, the Outbox icon will flash Red. It will flash until the issue is resolved.
Outbox - Scheduling Requests
Filter Options
All - Display items for any job on your Tablet device
Current Jobs - Display items for only the current job
To Send - Display items that are waiting to be sent
Sent - Display items that have been sent
To Dismiss - Display items that have not yet been dismissed
Dismissed - Display items that have been dismissed
Filtered Sent/Dismissed requests are only shown for the last 14 calendar days.
Note: When both the “To Dismiss”/”Dismissed” filters are selected, this would show any issue notifications (active or dismissed).
Dismissing Schedule Requests
From the screen, tap on the Dismiss column (red X icon), a dialog will appear.
Note: The Dismiss action is specific to the Schedule Request row selected.
Press ‘Yes’ to finish dismissing the item, to remove it from your Outbox.
Note: Your call forward will update for the dismissed notification, and the icon that will appear next to the task will be a yellow exclamation mark (Issue Status), in place of the existing notification status.
If required, the Schedule Request can be attempted again once the cause of the original issue has been resolved.
Viewing Sent/Pending Items
From the filter view, select the To Send (pending) or Sent filters.
Note: You cannot dismiss a pending or sent item.
Outbox - Communications
Filter Options
To Send
To Dismiss
Filtered Sent/Dismissed emails are only visible for the last 14 days.
Dismissing Items
From the screen, tap on the Dismiss column (red X icon), a dialog will appear.
Note: The Dismissed action is specific to the Communication row selected.
Press ‘Yes’ to finish dismissing the item, to remove it from your Outbox.
Please note that items such as “Gateway Failure” relate to potential connectivity or preference/setup issues.
Note: You do not need to dismiss all items as soon as they appear, as Framework will retry sending emails with “Gateway Failure” status.
If required, the email can be attempted again once the cause of the original issue has been resolved.
Email Monitoring with Perspective Gateway
All communications (ie. email, SMS, notifications, etc.) from Framework applications are sent via the Framework Cloud solution.
IT Support teams can monitor the status of sent communications via the Perspective Gateway Portal.
Please contact Insula Support for the correct URL for your Gateway Portal and the Contact Roles required to use it.
Technical Details
The following provides technical details on the implementation of these features.
Component | Polling | Action |
Outbound Schedule Request & Email Monitoring | In Framework Logistics Tablet a check for failed Schedule Requests and failed email occur every 1 minute. | If any failed emails or Schedule Requests exist the user will be alerted via the flashing icons in the context bar (top right). If after 10 minutes (or more) the Notification Monitor has not been able to send outbound email or Schedule Requests the Tablet user will be alerted via the flashing icons in the context bar (top right). |
Notification Monitor Monitoring | In Framework Logistics Tablet a check to confirm that the Notification Monitor is operating occurs every 1 minute. | If after 10 minutes (or more) the Notification Monitor has not successfully operated the Tablet user will be alerted via the Notification monitor icon both appearing and flashing in the Context Bar (top left). |
Sending Email & Schedule Requests | The Framework Logistics Notification Monitor will attempt to send emails and Schedule Requests every 1 minute. | Important: If the Tablet does not have Internet connectivity emails and Schedule Requests will be queued in an Outbox until connectivity is available. The number of items in each outbox is displayed on the context bar (top right). |
Receiving Schedule Requests Activity | Schedule Request Activity includes supplier responses, updates from other Logistics Tablets sharing the same jobs/projects, and office-based updates from Framework ECM. The Framework Logistics Notification Monitor will check for Schedule Request updates based on the “(-11052) Notification Monitor (minutes) - Tablet” preference value managed in Framework ECM. Insula recommend this value be no less than 5 minutes, to ensure Tablet performance is not impacted. | N/A |