Job Scheduling

Job Scheduling

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The Job Scheduling screen is used to create schedules to be available on the Group Job Scheduler screen of Framework Logistics Tablet. Two lists are available: 

  • Job Schedules List: Used to create and edit job schedules.

  • Job Schedule Activities List: Used to create and edit activities within the selected job schedule.


Adding A Job Schedule

  1. Select the Job Schedules list. A shadow will appear around the list to indicate it has been selected.

  2. Click New. The Job Schedule dialog will be displayed.

  3. Enter the details.

  4. Click OK. The dialog will close and a new job schedule will be created.

Adding A Job Schedule Activity To A Job Schedule

  1. From the Job Schedules list, select the required job schedule.

  2. Select the Job Schedule Activities list. A shadow will appear around the list to indicate it has been selected.

  3. Click New. The Job Schedule Activity dialog will be displayed.

  4. Enter the details.

  5. Click OK. The dialog will close a new job schedule activity will be created.