Logo Specifications for the Region Division Entity Image

Logo Specifications for the Region Division Entity Image

The default logo size in Framework reports (Crystal Logo Blob) and/or documents is as follows:

7.18cm wide x 2.87cm high @ 300dpi for print or 96 dpi for screen resolution.

If the company logo fails to display on screen or in the report you will need to resize your logo (and re-attach to the Region Division Entity). For custom logo requirements please contact support@frameworkecm.com.au

NOTE: To avoid logo distortion, when resizing click "Constrain Proportions" or "Lock Aspect Ratio" in your Image Editing Software and use only 'ONE' of the dimensions listed; the image software will set the other accordingly (e.g if you image is very wide then only set the width (eg. 7.15 cm). If the logo is very high then only set the height (eg. 2.85cm) - *remember to "Constrain Proportions" or "Lock Aspect Ratio")

NOTE: To add a Region/Division logo into Framework the file extension must be bmp or jpg.