Framework Work Flow Mapping

Framework Work Flow Mapping

Every job created in Framework must be allocated a Job Type.  Each of these job types have their own major and minor work flow stages that a job progresses through.

Each Framework Job type is represented below.  The table for each job type outlines the minor work flow stage, the description of the minor stage, the major work flow stage and the Framework field that triggers the job to the next minor work flow stage.

Framework Standard (Single Lot – Land & Building(s) Job)

Work Flow Stage


Major Stage

Minor Stage

Framework Trigger to move to next stage


The job is a prospect and awaiting a sale.



Sale Reported


The job is awaiting payment of an initial deposit.



Deposit Received

Sale Approval

The initial deposit has been received and the job is awaiting sale approval.


Sale Approval

Sale Approval Received

Pre-Admin Complete

The sale approval has been received and the job is awaiting formal completion of the sale process.


PreAdmin Completion

PreAdministration Complete Actual


The job has completed the formal sale process, had preliminary checks completed and is awaiting the signing of the tender.



Tender Signed


The tender has been signed and the job is awaiting the signing of the contract.



Contract Signed


The contract has been signed and the job is awaiting the permit.



Permit Received

Admin Completion

The permit has been received and the job is awaiting completion of the pre-site tasks (Administration Completion).


Admin Completion

Administration Complete Actual

Site Start

The pre site work has been completed and the job is awaiting site start.


Site Start

Site Start Actual


The construction work on site has started and the job is awaiting the base/slab to be complete.



Base Complete Actual


The base/slab work has been completed and the job is awaiting the frame to be complete.



Frame Complete Actual


The frame has been completed and the job is awaiting the lockup completion.



Lockup Complete Actual


The lockup stage has been completed and the job is awaiting the fix completion.



Fix Complete Actual

PC Inspection

The fix stage has been completed and the job is awaiting the Practical Completion Inspection.


PC Inspection

PC Inspection Complete Actual

PC Sheet

The Practical Completion Inspection has been completed and the job is awaiting the PC/Handover Sheet.


PC Sheet

PC Sheet Signed


The PC/Handover Sheet has been received and the job is awaiting Settlement.



Settlement Actual

Construction Complete

Settlement has occurred and the job is awaiting formal completion of Construction before moving to Maintenance.


Construction Complete

Construction Complete Actual


The job is awaiting completion of the initial Maintenance period (3/6/12 months).



Maintenance Period 1 Complete


The Maintenance period has completed and the job is awaiting completion of the Service period (duration of period varies from state to state).



Service Period Complete

Maintenance Completion

The Service period has completed and the job is awaiting completion of the Maintenance stage.


Maintenance Completion

Maintenance Complete Actual


The job has completed the Maintenance stage and is awaiting formal completion.




Single Lot – Land Only

Work Flow Stage


Major Stage

Minor Stage

Framework Trigger to move to next stage


The job is awaiting Land Registration.

Contract Administration (Land Only)

Registration (LO)

Land Registration Actual

Pending Contract

The land has been registered. The job is awaiting a contract (sale reported date).

Contract Administration (Land Only)

Pending Contract (LO)

Sale Reported (Contract)

Pending Unconditional

The job has a contract and is awaiting all conditions being met.

Contract Administration (Land Only)

Pending Unconditional (LO)

Unconditional Status

Accounting Settlement

The contract is unconditional and the job is awaiting accrual (accounting settlement) for Trade Debtor purposes.

Contract Administration (Land Only)

Accounting Settlement (LO)

Accounting Settlement Actual

Client Settlement

The job has been accrued but not yet settled.

Contract Administration (Land Only)

Client Settlement (LO)

Settlement Actual


The contract on the job has settled.

Contract Administration (Land Only)

Complete (LO)


Englobo Land Job

Work Flow Stage


Major Stage

Minor Stage

Framework Trigger to move to next stage


The job is awaiting the Development Application.

Feasibility (Englobo)

Start (En)

Development Application Received


The Development Application Decision has been received and is awaiting Final POD Approval.

Feasibility (Englobo)

Feasibility (En)

Final POD Received

Acquisition Approval

Final POD Approval has been received and is awaiting Internal Board Approval.

Feasibility (Englobo)

Acquisition Approval (En)

MCU (Material Change of Use) Received

Site Data Establishment

Internal Board approval has been received.

Development (Englobo)

Site Data Establishment (En)

Must have child Estate jobs between the Start and Plan Registration workflow stages

Estate Development

Not currently catered for.




Stage Development

Not currently catered for.




Estate Building

Any Estate children jobs are in the Stage Building work flow stage.

Building (Englobo)

Estate Building (En)

Must have child Estate jobs in the Stage Building workflow stage

Stage Building

Any Estate Stage children jobs are in the Lot Building work flow stage.

Building (Englobo)

Stage Building (En)

Civil maintenance On (Start)

On Maintenance

The building of lots is complete and the job is 'On Maintenance' for Civil maintenance works.

Maintenance (Englobo)

On Maintenance (En)

Civil maintenance Off (Complete)

Off Maintenance

The 'On Maintenance' period is complete and the job is 'Off Maintenance' for Civil maintenance works.

Maintenance (Englobo)

Off Maintenance (En)

Development Complete Actual


The 'Off Maintenance' period is complete and the job has formal Development Completion.

Maintenance (Englobo)

Complete (En)


Estate Job

Work Flow Stage


Major Stage

Minor Stage

Framework Trigger to move to next stage


The job is awaiting the Development Application.

Feasibility (Estate)

Start (Est)

Development Application Received


The Development Application has been received and is awaiting Final POD Approval.

Feasibility (Estate)

Feasibility (Est)

Final POD Approval Received

Acquisition Approval

Final POD Approval has been received and is awaiting MCU.

Feasibility (Estate)

Acquisition Approval (Est)

Material Change of Use (MCU) Received

Site Data Establishment

MCU has been received and is awaiting ROL.

Development (Estate)

Site Data Establishment (Est)

Lot Reconfiguration (ROL) Received

Planning Approval

ROL has been received and is awaiting All Planning Approvals.

Development (Estate)

Planning Approval (Est)

All Planning Approvals Received

Plan Registration

All Planning Approvals has been received.

Development (Estate)

Plan Registration (Est)


Stage Building

Any Estate Stage children jobs are in the Lot Building work flow stage.

Building (Estate)

Stage Building (Est)

Civil maintenance On (Start)

On Maintenance

The building of lots is complete and the job is 'On Maintenance' for Civil maintenance works.

Maintenance (Estate)

On Maintenance (Est)

Civil maintenance Off (Complete)

Off Maintenance

The 'On Maintenance' period is complete and the job is 'Off Maintenance' for Civil maintenance works.

Maintenance (Estate)

Off Maintenance (Est)

Development Complete Actual


The 'Off Maintenance' period is complete and the job has formal Development Completion.

Maintenance (Estate)

Complete (Est)


Estate Stage Job

Work Flow Stage


Major Stage

Minor Stage

Framework Trigger to move to next stage


The job is at the Estate Plan Registration stage and awaiting the Development Application.

Development (Estate Stage)

Start (EStg)

Development Application Ordered


The Development Application has been ordered and the job is awaiting the Development Application Decision.

Development (Estate Stage)

Approval (EStg)

Development Application Received

Civil Construction

The Development Application Decision has been received and is awaiting the completion of Civil Administration.

Development (Estate Stage)

Civil Construction (EStg)

Civil Administration Complete


The Civil Administration work has completed and is awaiting Final POD Approval.

Design (Estate Stage)

POD (EStg)

Final POD Approval Received

Plan Seal

The Final POD Approval has been received and is awaiting the SP Sealing.

Design (Estate Stage)

Plan Seal (EStg)

Survey Plan Sealing Received

Plan Registration

The SP Sealing has been received and is awaiting Estate Stage Plan Registration.

Design (Estate Stage)

Plan Registration (EStg)

Must have child jobs in the Construction workflow stage

Lot Building

Any Estate Stage children jobs are in the Construction major work flow stage.

Building (Estate Stage)

Lot Building (EStg)

Civil maintenance On (Start)

On Maintenance

The building of lots is complete and the job is 'On Maintenance' for Civil maintenance works.

Maintenance (Estate Stage)

On Maintenance (EStg)

Civil maintenance Off (Complete)

Off Maintenance

The 'On Maintenance' period is complete and the job is 'Off Maintenance' for Civil maintenance works.

Maintenance (Estate Stage)

Off Maintenance (EStg)

Development Complete Actual


The 'Off Maintenance' period is complete and the job has formal Development Completion.

Maintenance (Estate Stage)

Complete (EStg)