Job Types

Job Types

Job types support the creation of different jobs in the system. The ability to create different jobs encompassing all facets of the development and construction industries allows all jobs to be easily managed in the Production module, categorised by a specific set of circumstances. These job types also include job type specific screens with their own set of work flow stages. This functionality is beneficial to land and multi-user developments but can be applied in other situations.

Job type affects the following system areas:

  • Context bar
  • Job type selection on the Job Overview screen
  • Work flow stages associated with each job type
  • Customised screens.

Using Job Types

Job types allow the management of different types of builds, which have different sets of circumstances. Each job type has its own set of work flow stages where specific content relevant to the job type can be captured. Job types have also been added to the context bar so that a job’s type is easily recognisable, regardless of which screen is opened.

Job types are also relevant when using job hierarchy (see Client Files and Jobs) which assists in linking an individual job with multiple jobs. Using a tree structure, it allows separate but related jobs to be organised in a way that records their relationship. The 'parent' job must have a higher job type than the 'child' jobs being linked to it.

The hierarchy of job types is as follows:

  • Englobo Land Job, General Grouping Job
  • Estate Job
  • Estate Stage Job
  • Single Lot – Land Only Job, Single Lot – Land & Building(s) Job


A job with a Single Lot - Land & Building(s) job type cannot be the 'parent' job as it is the lowest in the hierarchy of job types

Job Types

General Grouping JobA blank job type that provides a grouping mechanism. All job types can be linked to this job type and it does not employ any work flow stages.
Englobo Land JobEnglobo land is parcel of land that can be split into numerous estates or used for multi-unit developments. This job type employs its own specific set of work flow stages and can only have [General Grouping Job] and Estate Job types as its children.
Estate JobAn estate job is an overarching estate or multi-unit development to be built on a section of a parcel of land. This job type is used to oversee administration, contractual, and construction obligations not specific to housing lots or apartments/units, but to the entire estate or multi-unit development. This job type employs its own specific set of work flow stages and can only have [General Grouping Job] and Estate Stage Job types as its children.
Estate Stage JobAn estate stage job is one whose land is split into stages of sale or construction. This job type is used to oversee administration, contractual, and construction obligations not specific to the entire estate or multi-unit development, the individual lots or apartments/units within the estate or multi-unit development, but to the specific stage of lots or apartments/units to be sold/constructed. This job type employs its own specific set of work flow stages and can only have [General Grouping Job]Single Lot - Land & Building(s), and Single Lot - Land Only Job types as its children.
Single Lot – Land & Building(s) JobRefers to a lot or apartment/units being built on a piece of land, either singly owned or part of a larger parcel of land (e.g., estate, etc). This job type employs a standard set of work flow stages and cannot have any child jobs as it at the bottom of the hierarchy list.
Single Lot – Land Only JobRefers to a parcel of land (or lot) that is being sold as land only, either singly owned or part of a larger parcel of land (e.g., estate, etc). Administration and contractual obligations are the only considerations for this job type. This job type employs its own specific set of work flow stages and cannot have any child jobs as it at the bottom of the hierarchy list.

Accessible Framework Screens

Each job type has its own specific Job Overview screen. There are also additional specific job type work flow screens for all job types except for General Grouping Job and Englobo job types. The specific screens for the different job types are listed below:

Specific work flow screens can be created for General Grouping Job and Englobo job types if required.

Along with each job type having its own specific Job Overview screen and additional specific job type work flow screens, there are also work flow screens that are inaccessible based on job type. The system has been designed to only allow the selection of work flow screens that are applicable to that specific job type.

Inaccessible work flow screens for each job type is listed below.

Job TypeType Specific ScreensInaccessible Screens
General Grouping JobJob OverviewWork Flow Overview
Work Flow WH&S
Development Overview.
Civil Construction
Design Overview.
Administration Overview.
Construction Overview
Englobo Land JobJob OverviewWork Flow Overview
Work Flow WH&S
Development Overview
Civil Construction
Design Overview
Administration Overview.
Construction Overview
Estate Job

Job Overview.

Civil Construction:
Used to capture information in relation to the civil construction works required for an estate.

Development Overview:
Used to capture information in relation to the development staff and to manage the review work required to determine the number of stages and lots for an estate.

Design Overview
Administration Overview
Construction Overview
Estate Stage Job

Job Overview

Civil Construction:
Used to capture information in relation to the civil construction works required for an estate stage.

Design Overview:
Used to capture information in relation to the development and design staff and to manage the review work required to determine the design layout for an estate stage.

Development Overview:
Used to capture information in relation to the development staff and to manage the review work required to determine the number of lots for an estate stage.

Construction Overview
Single Lot – Land & Building(s) JobJob OverviewWork Flow WH&S
Development Overview
Civil Construction
Single Lot – Land Only JobJob OverviewWork Flow Overview
Work Flow WH&S
Development Overview
Civil Construction
Design Overview
Administration Overview
Construction Overview

Changing The Job Type

A job type can be modified from the current setting.

Setting The Job Type On The New Client Dialog

When creating a new job, the job type can be selected on the Job tab of the New Client dialog.

Changing The Job Type On The Job Overview Screen

The job type can be changed for a job on the Job Overview screen.

To modify a job type for a job linked via the Job Hierarchy screen, the job must first be removed from the job hierarchy, modified, then re-linked (see Client Files and Jobs).

To change the job type:

  1. Open the Job Overview screen.
  2. Click Edit.
  3. Under the General group, click the Job Type popup button. The Select Job Type dialog will be displayed.
    • Select a new job type.
    • Click OK. The dialog will close
  4. Click OK.

Job Type Work Flow Stages

Each job has an associated set of work flow stages that tracks the job through its lifecycle. Selecting a particular job type will update the required work flow stages.

Englobo Land Job

Work Flow Stage



Job is awaiting the development application.


Development application decision has been received and is awaiting final POD (Plan of Development) approval.

Acquisition Approval

Final POD approval has been received and is awaiting internal board approval.

Site Data Establishment

Internal board approval has been received.

Estate Development

Currently unavailable.

Stage Development

Currently unavailable.

Estate Building

Any estate child jobs are in the stage building work flow stage.

Stage Building

Any estate stage child jobs are in the lot building work flow stage.

On Maintenance

Building of lots is complete and the job is On Maintenance for civil maintenance works.

Off Maintenance

On Maintenance period is complete and the job is Off Maintenance for civil maintenance works.


Off Maintenance period is complete and the job has formal development completion.

Estate Job

Work Flow Stage



Job is awaiting the development application.


Development application has been received and is awaiting final POD approval.

Acquisition Approval

Final POD approval has been received and is awaiting MCU (Material Change of Use).

Site Data Establishment

MCU has been received and is awaiting ROL (Reconfiguration of Lot).

Planning Approval

ROL has been received and is awaiting all planning approvals.

Plan Registration

All planning approvals has been received.

Stage Building

Any estate stage child jobs are in the lot building work flow stage.

On Maintenance

Building of lots is complete and the job is On Maintenance for civil maintenance works.

Off Maintenance

On Maintenance period is complete and the job is Off Maintenance for civil maintenance works.


Off Maintenance period is complete and the job has formal development completion.

Estate Stage Job

Work Flow Stage



Job is at the estate plan registration stage and awaiting the development application.


The development application has been ordered and the job is awaiting the development application decision.

Civil Construction

The development application decision has been received and is awaiting the completion of civil administration.


Civil administration work has completed and is awaiting final POD approval.

Plan Seal

The final POD approval has been received and is awaiting the SP (Survey Plan) sealing.

Plan Registration

The SP sealing has been received and is awaiting estate stage plan registration.

Lot Building

Any estate stage child jobs are in the construction major work flow stage.

On Maintenance

Building of lots is complete and the job is On Maintenance for civil maintenance works.

Off Maintenance

On Maintenance period is complete and the job is Off Maintenance for civil maintenance works.


Off Maintenance period is complete and the job has formal development completion.

Single Lot – Land Only Job

Work Flow Stage



Job is awaiting land registration.

Pending Contract

Land has been registered. The job is awaiting a contract (sale reported date).

Pending Unconditional

Job has a contract and is awaiting all conditions being met.

Accounting Settlement

Contract is unconditional and the job is awaiting accrual (accounting settlement) for trade debtor purposes.

Client Settlement

Job has been accrued but not yet settled.


Contract on the job has settled.

Single Lot – Land & Building(s) Job

Work Flow Stage



Job is a prospect and awaiting a sale.


Job is awaiting payment of an initial deposit.

Sale Approval

Initial deposit has been received and the job is awaiting sale approval.

Pre-Admin Completed

Sale approval has been received and the job is awaiting formal completion of the sale process.


Job has completed the formal sale process, had preliminary checks completed, and is awaiting the signing of the tender.


Tender has been signed and the job is awaiting the signing of the contract.


Contract has been signed and the job is awaiting the permit.

Admin Completion

Permit has been received and the job is awaiting completion of the pre-site tasks.

Site Start

Pre-site work has been completed and the job is awaiting site start.


Construction on-site work has started and the job is awaiting the base/slab to be complete.


Base/slab work has been completed and the job is awaiting the frame to be complete.


Frame has been completed and the job is awaiting the lockup completion.


Lockup stage has been completed and the job is awaiting the fix completion.

PC Inspection

Fix stage has been completed and the job is awaiting the Practical Completion Inspection (PCI).

PC Sheet

PCI has been completed and the job is awaiting the PC/handover sheet.


The PC/handover sheet has been received and the job is awaiting settlement.

Construction Complete

Settlement has occurred and the job is awaiting formal completion of construction before moving to maintenance.


Job is awaiting completion of the initial maintenance period.


3 Months, 90 Days, etc.


Maintenance period has completed and the job is awaiting completion of the service period (the duration of this period varies from state to state).

Maintenance Completion

Service period has completed and the job is awaiting completion of the maintenance stage.


Job has completed the maintenance stage and is awaiting formal completion.

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