The following information outlines important analysis questions and activities that MUST be performed before undertaking the installation and configuration of TFS Integration.
Each question should be considered and the answers recorded. The answers will be required when configuring integration.
Integration Configuration
Analysis Question | Response |
Integration Type (the accounting system being used, e.g., MYOB) |
Profile Configuration
Analysis Question | Response |
Integration Profile Name (the name of the integration profile) |
Integration DSN's Configuration
Analysis Question | Response |
MYOB ODBC DSN Name (the name of the MYOB ODBC DSN) |
MYOB Connection (MYOB Connection String) |
Criteria Configuration
Analysis Question | Response |
Yield In Milliseconds (one second equals 1000 milliseconds, e.g., 1000, 2000, etc.) |
Criteria Method
(the TFS clients that will be integrated into MYOB) |
Criteria (the TFS Client Number if the Criteria Method is Single Client) |
Context (the TFS context the integration applies to, e.g., Victoria, NSW, South, East) |
Only Integrate New?
(will integration occur for all clients or new clients only?) |
Email Options Configuration
Analysis Question | Response |
To (the email addresses that will receive a copy of the log emails) |
CC (the email addresses that will receive a carbon copy of the log emails) |
BCC (the email addresses that will receive a blind carbon copy of the log emails) |
Subject (the subject heading of the log email) |
To create a From email address, open the Preferences screen in the TFS Administration Tool: Preference #152 (SMTP Sender Email Address) in the TFS Main Program > Settings > Email Preference Group.