Creating and Editing Mail Merge Documents

Creating and Editing Mail Merge Documents

  • Mail Merge documents are created using Microsoft word. Fields from Framework are inserted into the document and are then populated with data from your Framework database when they are generated.

  • Following the steps below will allow you to create or edit a Mail Merge document. 

  1. In your Framework directory, should be a document named mergeTest.doc which includes all available Mail Merge fields from within Framework.

    It is typically found in the following location: [DriveLetter]:\Framework\MailMerge\mergeTest.doc

  2. Open this document and locate the field(s) you wish to use. In this example, we'll use Client's Salutation. Copy the corresponding merge field for this Framework field from the mergeTest.doc document and paste it into your new or existing Mail Merge document.

    Note:Ensure that when you click on the merge field, a grey background appears. This confirms that the merge field has been copied correctly.

  3. Save the new mail merge document into the appropriate sub folder under [DriveLetter]:\Framework\MailMerge. It is usually a good idea to keep this consistent with the document structure within Framework which will be explained in the steps below.

  4. Now that the document has been created, it needs to be added to Framework. Open the stand alone Framework Administration application and navigate to the 'Communication' grey tab. Then select 'Comm. Tpl.' Highlight 'Standard letters' by clicking on it and select the 'New' button

  5. Set the Method, Name and Reference and click OK.