

Each VPB version has one or more sections. Sections may be created in a hierarchical manner depending on the number of child sections (sub-sections) required. VPB Sections are displayed in a tree structure, allowing quick viewing of all sections and related sub-sections. A + icon next to a section title indicates that it has one or more child sections.

Items can only be added to an existing parent section or child section. A parent section is the highest level to which one or more child sections belong. The Section screen is used to manage all VPB sections for a selected version.


Creating A VPB Section

  1. From the VPB Sections group, select the location for a VPB section.
  2. Click New. The Section dialog will be displayed.
  3. Enter the details.
  4. Click OK. The dialog will close and a new VPB section will be created.

Moving A VPB Section

A VPB section can be moved using the 'drag and drop' method.

Section Dialog

This dialog is used to create sections into which Variation Price Book (VPB) items will be placed.


Base House Price, Site Costs, Facade, External Variations, Appliances, Floor Coverings, etc.

If the sections have been moved and the VPB reference numbers are incorrectly sorted, the VPB requires compiling. To compile a VPB, see Version.

General Group




VPB version to which the section is allocated. This field is locked and cannot be edited.

Has Parent?

Parent status of the section. This field is locked and cannot be edited.

  • Yes: The section is a child of a parent section (i.e., a sub-section).
  • No: The section is not a child of a parent section.

Parent Section

Name of the parent section to which this section is a child. This field is locked and cannot be edited.

This field is only populated if the Has Parent? field is Yes.

Full Reference

Internally generated VPB reference number.


Name given to the section.


Base House Price, Site Costs, Facade, External Variations, Appliances, Floor Coverings, etc.


Reference name given to the section. Click the Reference copy button to copy the section name or manually enter a reference name.

TOC Name

Name given to the Table Of Contents (TOC) section on a printed VPB. This name may differ from the section name.


The section name that relates to facades may be called Facade whilst the TOC printed name may be House Facades.

Page Break Before?

Is there a page break before this section on a printed VPB?

  • No (default): There is no page break before this section on a printed VPB.
  • Yes: There is a page break before this section on a printed VPB.

Notes Group

Free text area for notes regarding the section.