New Asset and Liability Codes for Macquarie
New Asset and Liability Codes for Macquarie
TFS 27138
When you submit a deal to Macquarie they only accept certain Asset and Liability types.
The tables below show the types that you can use when submitting a deal to electronically.
Macquarie Financial Asset Type | TFS Description |
HOME_PROPERTY | Own home property |
INVESTMENT_PROPERTY | Investment property |
CASH | Cash in bank |
SHARES_TRUSTS_FUNDS | Shares, trust, funds and other financial deposits |
MOTOR_VEHICLE | Asset categorised as Motor vehicle like |
PLANT_AND_EQUIPMENT | Assets categorised as Plant and Equipment like |
SUPERANNUATION | Superannuation |
RECREATIONAL_ASSET | Assets categories as Recreation Asset like boats, RV’s and Jet Ski |
HOME_CONTENTS | Home furniture including antiques and other valuables |
Macquarie Financial Liability Type | TFS Description |
HOME_PROPERTY_LOAN | Own home property loan |
INVESTMENT_ PROPERTY_LOAN | Investment property loan |
MARGIN_LOAN | Margin loan |
MOTOR_VEHICLE_LOAN | Motor vehicle loan |
RECREATIONAL_ASSET_LOAN | Recreation asset loan |
PLANT_AND_EQUIPMENT_LOAN | Plant and Equipment loan |
INVESTMENT_LOAN | Loan for investments |
PERSONAL_LOAN | Personal loans |
CREDIT_CARD | Credit cards |
OVERDRAFT | Overdraft |
DEBT_AGREEMENT | Debt agreement |
TAX_DEBT | Tax debt |