New Asset and Liability Codes for Macquarie

New Asset and Liability Codes for Macquarie

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The Finance Shop Release Notes



TFS 27138

When you submit a deal to Macquarie they only accept certain Asset and Liability types. 

The tables below show the types that you can use when submitting a deal to electronically.

Macquarie Financial Asset Type
TFS Description
HOME_PROPERTYOwn home property
INVESTMENT_PROPERTYInvestment property
CASHCash in bank
SHARES_TRUSTS_FUNDSShares, trust, funds and other financial deposits
MOTOR_VEHICLEAsset categorised as Motor vehicle like
PLANT_AND_EQUIPMENTAssets categorised as Plant and Equipment like
RECREATIONAL_ASSETAssets categories as Recreation Asset like boats, RV’s and Jet Ski
HOME_CONTENTSHome furniture including antiques and other valuables
Macquarie Financial Liability Type
TFS Description
HOME_PROPERTY_LOANOwn home property loan
INVESTMENT_ PROPERTY_LOANInvestment property loan
MARGIN_LOANMargin loan
MOTOR_VEHICLE_LOANMotor vehicle loan
RECREATIONAL_ASSET_LOANRecreation asset loan
PLANT_AND_EQUIPMENT_LOANPlant and Equipment loan
INVESTMENT_LOANLoan for investments
PERSONAL_LOANPersonal loans
CREDIT_CARDCredit cards
DEBT_AGREEMENTDebt agreement
TAX_DEBTTax debt