Creating Complex Finance Methods

Creating Complex Finance Methods

Complex finance methods are finance types that involve stamp duty calculations that can be different based on the cost of goods.
Example: Property Finance (GST) - Interest Only, Property Finance (GST) - Principal and Interest, etc.

Firstly select the States where the Finance Type will be used

  1. Click on the box in the Finance Methods column to select all States. Or;
  2. Click on the individual States as required.

When you have selected  the States you must define the Complex method against each selected State.

On the Financier dialog:

  1. Right-click on a ticked . The Complex Finance Method dialog will be displayed.

A. Click to create a New Complex Finance Method.

B. Click to edit the selected Complex Finance Method.

C. Delete the selected Complex Finance Method.

When you select New the Finance Method dialog is displayed.

Enter the details as required and click OK. You will see the Method has been added to the dialog