Advanced Entity Management

Advanced Entity Management

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TFS Admin Guide - Table of Contents



The Advanced Entity Management screen allows users to manage entity links and to remove or merge duplicate entities.

 Opening the Advanced Entity Management Screen - Click here to expand...
  • From the Administration menu, select Entity then Advanced Entity Management.
  • From the sidebar, select Entity then Advanced.

Important: Accessing this screen requires Permission 153 (Advanced Entity Management - Access) to be modified. See your TFS Administrator for more information.

  1. Select Entity To Analyse List: Displays entity records. Use the Search filter options to populate this list. Use the Edit Entity to edit an entity. When an entity is selected, the tabs will below will be populated.
  2. Database Links Tab: Displays the system areas where the entity is referenced. Use the Delete Entity button to remove an entity.
  3. Remove Duplicate Entities Tab: Used to merge duplicate entity records. Merged entities will reset all entity links.
  4. Linked Financiers/Linked Brokers Tab: Displays all financier/broker records that link to the selected entity. Multiple links can be merged. NOTE: This is shown in place of Remove Duplicate Entities when the the Entity Role selected is Financier.