Sage Timberline Land Integration - Preparation

Sage Timberline Land Integration - Preparation

Framework Preparation

Before enabling Land integration, verification of the integration process must be performed.

Disable Integration For All Land

For every job in the Land Management module of Framework ECM, 'N/A' should be placed in the Accounts Reference field on the Land Overview screen. This will prevent integration from processing any land. Integration can then be installed and tested to validate all technical aspects of the solution.

This update of all land can be completed using a database query. Contact Insula Software for assistance with bulk data update queries.

Enabling Integration For Land

To validate the integration process and to be sure of the results, two specific tests should be performed:

  1. Update several existing land.
  2. Create new land in the Land Management module of Framework ECM.

Updating a small number of existing land is performed by removing the 'N/A' text from the Accounts Reference field. If the job numbers are identical in the accounting system and Framework ECM, then this field should be left blank. If the accounting system has a different land or reference number, it must be placed in this field so that integration can find the land in the accounting system.

Create new land in Framework ECM so that a test of both updating and creating jobs in the accounting system can be performed.

Run integration and carefully review the results of both the created and updated land.

A detailed review of the integrated fields, values, and specifics of the integration can be performed. Update jobs, integration fields, and settings, as required, to get the desired integration results.

When full testing has been completed, progressively remove the 'N/A' text from the Accounts Reference field of all land (and entering the accounts reference if required), monitoring the results of integration.

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