Octal8 BizPrac Client and Jobs Integration - Reference
Integrated Fields
The integration of Octal8 BizPrac Client and Jobs to Framework ECM is fully customisable via the integration mapping database.
Table: File23 (Jobs)
Octal8 BizPrac Database Field Name | Octal8 BizPrac Field Label | Create | Update | Framework Database Field Name | Framework Field Label |
C_code | Unique Client Code | Yes | No | Special # 14: Gets next unique number from file903.tps |
Job_no | Job Number | Yes | No | Framework – s_job_num |
Address1 | Job Address | Yes | Yes | Special # 5: Job lot number, job street number, job street name |
Suburb | Fkid number to the correct suburb in file35 | Yes | Yes | Special #41: Searches for the matching suburb and returns the linkCode, otherwise creates the suburb in the table if it does not exist and returns the new linkCode |
Books | BookSet | Yes | No | Fixed Value 1 |
Contact | Primary Contact Name | Yes | Yes | Framework - s_clientCont_name |
Contract | Contract inc GST | Yes | Yes | Framework - c_retail_external |
Phone | Primary Contact Business Hours Phone | Yes | Yes | Framework – s_client_phone |
Fax | Primary Contact Fax | Yes | Yes | Framework - s_client_fax |
Mobile | Primary Contact Mobile | Yes | Yes | Framework - s_client_mobile |
Job_name | Client Reference Name | Yes | Yes | Framework - s_client_nameRef |
jobType | New Home | Yes | No | Fixed Value ‘New Home’ |
Table: File816 (Clients)
Octal8 BizPrac Database Field Name | Octal8 BizPrac Field Label | Create | Update | Framework Database Field Name | Framework Field Label |
C_code | Unique Client Code | Yes | No | Special # 14: Gets next unique number from file903.tps |
Client_name | Client Reference Name | Yes | Yes | Framework - s_client_nameRef |
Contactname | Client Salutation | Yes | Yes | Framework - s_client_salutation |
Books | BookSet | Yes | No | Fixed Value 1 |
cliAddress1 | Client Address | Yes | Yes | Special #1: Client street number and client street name |
cliSuburb | Fkid number to the correct suburb in file35 | Yes | Yes | Special # 41: Searches for the matching suburb and returns the linkCode, otherwise creates the suburb in the table if it does not exist and returns the new linkCode |
Country | Country | Yes | Yes | Framework – s_client_country |
cliPhone | Primary Contact Business Hours Phone | Yes | Yes | Framework – s_client_phone |
cliFax | Primary Contact Fax | Yes | Yes | Framework - s_client_fax |
Mobile | Primary Contact Mobile | Yes | Yes | Framework - s_client_mobile |
Alt_name | Client Name | Yes | Yes | Framework - s_client_name |
Alt_contactName | Client Salutation | Yes | Yes | Framework - s_client_salutation |
Alt_address1 | Client Address | Yes | Yes | Special # 1: Client street number and client street name |
Alt_suburb | Fkid number to the correct suburb in file35 | Yes | Yes | Special # 41: Searches for the matching suburb and returns thel inkCode, otherwise creates the suburb in the table if it does not exist and returns the new linkCode. |
Alt_country | Country | Yes | Yes | Framework- s_client_country |
Table: File35 (Suburb)
Octal8 BizPrac Database Field Name | Octal8 BizPrac Field Label | Create | Update | Framework Database Field Name | Framework Field Label |
Linkcode | Unique Suburb Code | Yes | No | Gets next unique number from file903.tps |
City_name | Suburb Name | Yes | No | Framework – s_client_suburb or s_job_suburb |
State | Suburb State (short version) | Yes | No | Framework – s_client_state or s_job_state |
postcode | Postcode | Yes | No | Framework – s_client_postcode or s_job_postcode |
Database Models
The following database model(s) displays the manner in which data is integrated between the third party application and Framework Integration.
Integration Process
The following information is a low level account of the integration process including criteria, decisions, and outcomes. This information is technical in nature and is provided "as-is" for a detailed analysis of the integration process for system administrators.
- Initial Checks
- License for BizPrac Accounts integration is checked.
- Framework DSN is opened
- Framework shutdown flag is checked, if not set for shutdown we continue.
- Framework Integration Mapping DSN is opened.
- BizPrac DSN is opened.
- Profile values are read from the integration profile. If reads are successful we continue.
- Framework jobs eligible for integration are retrieved from v_sched_tlGold1 with the following criteria
- S_client_nameRef is not null
- S_client_name is not null
- Job.s_link_accts <> N/A
- Job.s_link_boq <> N/A
- Job.l_job_status_gl_id = -7 (active)
Job.l_job_status_gl_id = -10(on hold)
or l_job_status_gl_id = -946 (Pending Cancellation)
Job.l_job_status_gl_id = -8 and (cont.d_cont_cancelled < 14 days ago)(cancelled in the last 2 weeks) - Job.l_wfl_stgmajor_id <> -5 (job not in maintenance)
Job.l_wfl_stgMinor_id = -18 and (cont.d_settle_act < 140 days ago) (job in minor stage of maint dlp and not longer than 20 weeks since settlement)
Job.l_wfl_stgMinor_id = -19 and maint.d_dlp_expiry_act <28 days ago)(job in minor stage of maint service and not longer than 28 days since dlp complete actual.) - And apply criteria method criteria where CriteriaMethod is...
- Single Region Division – job.l_context_id = criteriaData
- Single Job – job.s_job_num = criteriaData
- Single Team – job.l_team_id = criteriaData
- All Jobs – job.l_job_id <> 0
- Accounts Entity – job.l_accounts_e_id = criteriaData
- For each Framework Job, search for the matching BizPrac accounts record from file23 where
- If job.s_link_boq is empty then (job_no = job.s_job_num)
- Else (job_no = job.s_link_boq)
- If there is a match we update the record in BizPrac
- Open recordsets in edit mode for file23 (BizPrac's job file) and file816 (BizPrac's client file)
- i. Get the matching record from file23 then use that records c_code to retrieve the correct record from file816.
- Copy framework data to BizPrac using the settings in the integration mapping database.
- Open recordsets in edit mode for file23 (BizPrac's job file) and file816 (BizPrac's client file)
- If there is no match we create the record in BizPrac
- Open recordsets and create new records in file23 (BizPrac's job file) and file816 (BizPrac's client file)
- Copy framework data to BizPrac using the settings in the integration mapping database.
- Update Output with summary details and email if specified.