MYOB Client and Job Integration - Profile Configuration
The following outlines the available settings for the MYOB Client and Jobs integration initialisation file.
Default initialisation filename:
- Int_MYOBAccounts_Default.ini
Key | Description/Setting |
IntegrationType | Description: Specifies the type of integration to be performed. This is a fixed value that should not be changed. Setting: MYOB Accounts |
UseWizard | Description: Specifies whether integration will be run manually or automatically. Setting: 0: Integration will be run based on the values in the .ini file and can be run automatically without user intervention. 1: Integration will be run using a wizard allowing users to modify the details of the integration. |
Key | Description/Setting |
ODBCDSN_Framework | Description: ODBC DSN name for the Framework ECM database. Setting: FworkSQLEcm |
ODBCConnect_Framework | Description: ODBC DSN connection string for the Framework ECM database. Setting: None |
ODBCDSN_FrameworkLicense | Description: ODBC DSN name for the Framework licence database. Setting: FworkSQLLic |
ODBCDSN_IntMapping | Description: ODBC DSN name for the Framework Integration mapping database. Setting: FworkSQLIntMap |
ODBCConnect_IntMapping | Description: ODBC DSN connection string for the Framework Integration mapping database. Setting: None |
ODBCDSN_MYOB | Description: ODBC DSN name for the MYOB system database. Setting: MYOB ODBC |
DatabaseName_MYOB | Description: MYOB system database name. Setting: DynaFramInterface |
ODBCConnect_MYOB | Description: ODBC DSN connection string for the MYOB system database. Setting: "uid=enterUserName;pwd=enterPassword" |
Mail Configuration
Key | Description/Setting |
Mail_System | Description: Email delivery method. Setting: 0: No email will be sent. 1: Email will be sent using MAPI. 2 (default): Email will be sent using SMTP. |
Mapi_Profile | Description: Microsoft Outlook user profile name. Setting: (default): Outlook |
Mail_From | Description: Name or email address of who/where the email is being sent from. Setting: FrameworkIntegration |
Mail_Recipient | Description: Mail recipients for the integration logs. Multiple addresses can be added if separated with a semi-colon (;). Spaces are not necessary before or after the semi-colon. Setting:; |
Mail_Subject | Description: Email subject heading. Setting: "Framework Integration: MYOB Client and Jobs" |
SMTP_Server | Description: If using Mail_System 2 (SMTP), add the SMTP Server name. Setting: enterSMTPServerName (replace this text with your SMTP Server name) |
SMTP_UseSecurity | Description: Security setting for the SMTP server. Setting: 0 (default): A username or password is not required. 1: A username and password is required. If this setting is used, the SMTP_UserName and SMTP_Pwd fields must have a valid username and password. |
SMTP_UserName | Description: Valid username for the SMTP server. Setting: enterUserName (replace this text with a valid SMTP Server User Name) |
SMTP_PWD | Description: Valid password for the SMTP username. Setting: enterPassword (replace this text with a valid SMTP Server Password) |
Key | Description/Setting |
CriteriaMethod | Description: Job selection criteria for retrieving records from Framework ECMto process. Setting: 1: Single region/division. 2: Single job. 3: Single team. 4 (default): All jobs. 5: Accounts entity. |
CriteriaData | Description: Input criteria data for the criteria method. Setting: insert number; for example, if using CriteriaMethod 2, the setting for CriteriaData will be the specific job number to integrate on. |
JobCriteria | Description: Job criteria number. Setting: 1: AllJobs 2: SingleJob(JobNumber) |
JobCriteriaID | Description: Job criteria ID to hold the single job number. Setting: 0 |
Special Values
Key | Description/Setting |
MYOB_TaxCode | Description: Value for the MYOB tax code. Setting: GST (default) |
MYOB_PaymentDueCode | Description: Value for the MYOB payment due code. Setting: 2 (default) |
MYOB_BalanceDueDays | Description: Value for the MYOB balance due days. Setting: 0 (default) |