Sharing VPBs across Region/Divisions
In Framework 2021 the Variation Price Books no longer support All Region/Divisions. If a VPB had All Region/Division setting in previous versions, the v7.2 upgrade will assign all of them individually.
This allows for a single VPB to be shared between individual Region/Divisions.
Framework ECM & VPB Browser
In Framework ECM VPB, the Region/Division tab of the Version dialog will show the individual Region/Divisions that have been allocated to the Price Book. These can then be managed as required.
In Framework ECM, the VPB versions presented for selection in Documents, Browse or Jobs will only be those permitted for the logged in Region/Division.
Framework Sales Advice Management
After the upgrade, the VPBs will need to be re-synchronised in Framework SAM.
As in Framework ECM, the VPB versions presented for selection in Documents or Browse will only be those permitted for the logged in Region/Division.