Integrated Fields
The following table lists the integrated fields for the import_customer_cards table.
Field | Description | Create | Update | Data |
coLastName | Last Name | Yes | Yes | Special Coded: 2: CoLastName will be the surname if the client is a person, otherwise it will be the full client name. |
FirstName | Given Name | Yes | Yes | (TFS entity.s_given_name) sClientGName |
cardID | Card Identification | Yes | Yes | (TFS client.s_client_num) s_client_num |
Address1AddressLine1 | Postal Address Line 1 | Yes | Yes | (TFS address.s_address1) sClientPostAddr1 |
Address1AddressLine2 | Postal Address Line 2 | Yes | Yes | (TFS address.s_address2) sClientPostAddr2 |
Address1City | Postal Suburb | Yes | Yes | (TFS suburb.s_name) sClientPostSuburb |
Address1State | Postal State | Yes | Yes | (TFS state.s_name) sClientPostState |
Address1PostCode | Postal Post Code | Yes | Yes | (TFS suburb.s_postcode) sClientPostPostcode |
Address1Country | Postal Country | Yes | Yes | (TFS country.s_name) sClientPostCountry |
Address1Phone1 | Client Primary Business Hours Telephone | Yes | Yes | (TFS tel.s_tel_num) sClientPrimBH |
Address1Phone2 | Client Primary After Hours Telephone | Yes | Yes | (TFS tel.s_tel_num) sClientPrimAH |
Address1Phone3 | Client Primary Mobile | Yes | Yes | (TFS tel.s_tel_num) sClientPrimMob |
Address1Fax | Client Primary Fax | Yes | Yes | (TFS tel.s_tel_num) sClientPrimFax |
Address1Email | Client Primary Email | Yes | Yes | (TFS tel.s_tel_num) sClientPrimEmail |
Address1Website | Client Primary Website | Yes | Yes | (TFS tel.s_tel_num) sClientPrimWeb |
Address1ContactName | Client Primary Contact | Yes | Yes | (TFS entity.s_name) sPrimContactName |
Address1Salutation | Client Salutation | Yes | Yes | (TFS entity.s_salutation) sClientSalutation |
Address2AddressLine1 | Primary Address Line 1 | Yes | Yes | (TFS address.s_address1) sClientPrimAddr1 |
Address2AddressLine2 | Primary Address Line 2 | Yes | Yes | (TFS address.s_address2) sClientPrimAddr2 |
Address2City | Primary Suburb | Yes | Yes | (TFS suburb.s_name) sClientPrimSuburb |
Address2State | Primary State | Yes | Yes | (TFS state.s_name) sClientPrimState |
Address2PostCode | Primary Post Code | Yes | Yes | (TFS suburb.s_postcode) sClientPrimPostcode |
Address2Country | Primary Country | Yes | Yes | (TFS country.s_name) sClientPrimCountry |
recordId | Primary Key for foreign tables | Yes | Yes | On create this is a fixed value of 0 On update this is value stored in TFS: (TFS client.s_link_int) s_link_int |