Applicant Group

Applicant Group

  • The Applicant Group is used to enter details about the person or group applying for finance to purchase an asset.

Applicant Group

Client Type

A Drop-down list to select the type of client.

Example: Individual, Corporate

Applicant Name

Person or organisation applying for the purchase of an asset.


  • If a person is applying for the finance, this will be the individual's name.
  • If a business is applying for the finance, this will be the organisation's name. 
Contact Title

Title of the person applying for finance.

Contact NamePerson applying for finance.
TelephoneTelephone number of the person or organisation.
EmailEmail address of the person applying for finance.
Address DetailsPhysical address of the applicant applying for finance.
Years at addressNumber of years at the current address.
Previous address

Previous physical address of the applicant applying for finance.

Note: This only needs to be entered if the applicant has been at their current address for less than two years.

Years at addressNumber of years at the previous address.
ABNAustralian Business Number
ACNAustralian Company Number
Year EstablishedNumber of years the organisation has been established
Primary Activity

Primary industry to which the organisation is associated.

Bank Name

Name of the organisation's bank.

Accountant NameName of the Accountant's business.
Accountant ContactContact name of the organisation's accountant.
TelephoneTelephone Number of the accountant.