Construction Period Creation Procedure

Construction Period Creation Procedure

Open the Framework Administration Application. 

  1. Click Production on the sidebar

  2. Click Cst Period on the sidebar

  3. Click New to create a new Construction Period. 

  4. Select the Construction Period to be for [All Region Divisions]

    Click Ok and then OK again. 

To create this Period across Jobs in construction.

  1. Select the construction period(s) to be called
    Note: multi-periods are selected by shift-clicking or control-clicking the periods needing to be called.

  2. Click on the Calls Button
    Click Yes to create the construction periods against all eligible jobs.

  3. A confirmation message will be displayed. The Jobs in the Construction Stage of Framework will be updated. 

Calling/Creating Construction Periods for Logistics

When calling weekly construction periods, e.g. for use in logistics, you need to call 1-2 periods in advance, and 2-3 periods in arrears. Important: you CANNOT call more than 2 weeks in advance.

E.g. if today is a few days before the call period (say the 13th of May in this example), and I want to call up a new period, press the 'new' button at the bottom of the screen.

Then, in the dialog, press OK if no changes are needed to the possible working days.

After the new period is created, highlight that week, and the 3 weeks prior, and press the 'calls' button. When prompted, the dialog will notify you how many jobs are eligible to receive the call periods. E.g. 702 across 4 periods selected.

After this process is complete, the call periods will now be available for the supervisor. They would only then need to do a meeting day sync.


FAQ - Calling Construction Periods

Why do I only call Construction Periods once a week?

Construction period records are created for jobs in Construction, to record when work (ie. a call forward item) is completed. This process only adds the records needed, for the jobs needed at that point in time. For this reason the process is to run it once per week only.


What happens if a Construction Supervisor wants to raise a call up 6 weeks in advance?

Construction periods are for when work is completed, not called for/scheduled. Work can be scheduled 6 weeks in advance (which does not require periods), but cannot be “completed” in the future.

It’s run up to (only) 2 weeks in advance to:

a) ensure the Construction Calendar is considered and updated, for upcoming non-possible days like Public Holidays, and

b) to ensure a Supervisor has future periods if (for any reason) they’re unable to sync and get new periods as they’re created

We include the prior 3-4 weeks for:

a) jobs that have gone into Construction in the week since the last periods process was completed (ie. fresh site starts), and

b) for jobs where their site start date is backdated, and would be in a prior week/period (a common occurrence)


Why can we not call Construction Periods once a month for the next 6 months?

If you ran this process once per month, you wouldn’t be creating periods for all of today’s pre-site jobs that will go to Construction in the coming month (until you run it next time). For these jobs affected jobs, supervisors would not be able to record completions as they have no period records.

We don’t run it for six months in advance as:

a) many jobs close to completion won’t need periods created for after they finish Construction, and

b) we often find that customers don’t maintain the Construction Calendar (such as the annual close down), and end up creating periods/days as “possible” for work when in fact they’re “non-possible”

The solution is designed to only create the records as/when needed, which also helps with minimising sync times.

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