Tablet Device Selection
Tablet Device Selection
Selection of the correct Tablet PC device is vital to ensuring the best possible outcome with Logistics. Device evaluation is critical for choosing the correct device for your requirements. Device selection should be done thoroughly as the hardware is a significant purchase, and the decisions made will impact the business for years to come. Businesses should budget for a Tablet PCs life being approximately 3 years. Considerations should include:
The scope of the data/information to be collected from supervisors
Disk requirements for users files, databases and the like
The expectations of supervisors on what they can use the device to do
Connectivity to the domain (if applicable) for authentication and in-office use
Battery life
Connectivity, especially with mobile networks.
Outdoor use suitability (sunlight/glare)
Indoor use suitability (traditional notebook/keyboard use at a desk)
Manufacturer warranty
Manufacturer after-sales support
Manufacturer repair locations/procedures/turnaround times