The Finance Shop - Smart Campaign

The Finance Shop - Smart Campaign

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TFS Smart Campaign - Table of Contents



TFS SmartCampaign is included in TFS Version 3 and above. SmartCampaign allows users to create and manage marketing campaigns to entities in their TFS database.

SmartCampaign includes the following features:

  • Organised Marketing Campaigns
  • Scheduled run dates
  • Easy-to-use selection criteria
  • Several marketing output formats

SmartCampaign also supports:

  • Exporting to Microsoft Excel
  • Exporting to a CSV File
  • Mail Merge
  • Email

When using SmartCampaign please be aware of your local and state laws in regards to an individual's right not to be contacted for marketing purposes. Please take care not to infringe on any Privacy and Spam Acts and the new Do Not Call legislation.

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