The Campaigns list displays all the campaigns that have been created for a selected group. The Campaigns list is simply a label - a name - for the campaign. It displays overview information about a campaign including a unique number, name, the folder location and the date the campaign was created.
The context bar displays details of the currently selected campaign. When users create a campaign the context and campaign progress bars are refreshed to display details of the new campaign. Users may toggle to a different campaign by clicking the Campaign arrow buttons in the context bar (
), or by highlighting the campaign in the list and clicking the Select button. Example: 20% Discount on Application Fees.
How to Create a New Campaign - Click here to expand...
- From the Groups list, select the group to which the new campaign will belong.
- Select the Campaigns list. A shadow willappeararound the list to indicate that it is selected.
- Click the New button. The Campaigndialog will be displayed.
- Enter a name for the campaign.
- Click the Short NameCopy button (
) if the short name is to be the same as the name field.
Enter a short name for the campaign. - A campaign number is automatically generated, but users may edit this number. If a duplicate value is entered a warning prompt will be displayed.
- Click the Folder popup button (
). The Browse for Folderdialog will be displayed. - Select the location of the campaign.
Click the Make New Folder button.- Enter the name for the new folder.
- Click the OK button. The Browse for Folderdialog will close.
- Enter notes for the campaign, if required.
- Click the OK button. The Campaigndialog will close.
How to Delete a Campaign - Click here to expand...
Campaigns can be made inactive but cannot be permanently deleted. Users cannot create streams or process marketing for a campaign that is inactive.
- From the Campaigns list, select the campaign to be made inactive.
- Click the Delete button. The Delete Item prompt appears.
- Click the Yes button to make the item inactive.
Click the No button to cancel the process.