Financier Budgets

Financier Budgets

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The Financier Budgets screen manages financier financial targets to help with recurring volume brokerage. As an example, a financier may offer an incentive if doing a specific sum of business with them.

This screen allows you to enter and manage the financial targets offered by financiers.

 Opening the Financier Budgets Screen - Click here to expand...
  • From the Administration menu, select Templates then Financier Budgets.
  • From the sidebar, select Templates then Fin. Budgets.

 How to Add a Financier Budget - Click here to expand...

  1. From the Month drop-down list, select the month for the financier budget.
  2. Click the New button. The Financier Budget dialog will be displayed.

  3. Select the financier.
  4. Select the month.
  5. Enter the budget amount. This is the total finance that requires settling with that financier for that particular month in order to receive a volume broker incentive.
  6. Enter the notes, if required.
  7. Click the OK button. The Financier Budget dialog will close.