Working with eSign Documents

Working with eSign Documents

You must contact Insula to enable eSign functionality within your portal.

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The Insula eSign solution is a credits-based system. Before using, you should be aware of the following.

  • A balance of credits is required to initiate an eSign process.

  • The balance of credits available can be seen on the eSign monitor page.

  • One (1) credit is used for each eSign request (sometimes called an 'envelope'), regardless of how many recipients there are (i.e. one (1) credit is used when requesting 1 signature or 10 signatures in the request).

  • Once the request is sent, the credit is consumed.

  • Consumed credits are not refundable for any reason.

  • Cancelling an eSign request, regardless of whether anyone (or no one) has signed, does not reinstate/refund the credit that was used for the request. It remains consumed.

Purchasing eSign Credits

  • eSign credits must be pre-purchased via standard Insula invoice/payment processes.

  • eSign credits cannot be purchased via Credit Card.

  • Implementing/updating credits can take up to two business days from receipt of payment.

  • Customers are responsible for monitoring their eSign credits balance and purchasing credits as required, well before they are needed.


To set up a document that uses eSign, you must be in the following perspective;

Document Type

Administration > Document Types
To create a document that uses eSign, you must first set-up a document type. There is an accordion on the Document Type for this.


  1. Set to Yes to enable eSign.

  2. Enter the text to be displayed as the eSign Email Subject.

  3. Enter the text to be displayed as the eSign Email Title,

  4. Enter the text to be displayed in the eSign Email Message.

In the Document permissions section, you need to select the roles that are allowed to perform eSign operations on the document.


The workflow of eSign documents

Activities > Add Document
Add the document that you want eSigned. Select the Document Type that you created for Esign.


When you add a document that is associated with a Document Type that has eSign enabled, you will see an additional option, Workflow. This is used to ensure that the document is reviewed before being sent out for a signature. The workflow of an eSign document is detailed below;

You do not have to select each of the workflow stages. You can select Awaiting Sign-Off to jump straight to the eSign phase.


Finalise. This is when the document has been completed and is deemed ready to be sent out to the recipient.

The workflow stage of the document is Finalising.

  1. After a document has been finalised, it can be reviewed, and when satisfied you should select Approve.


    The workflow stage of the document is Approving.

  2. After the document has been approved, you should select Awaiting Sign Off. There will then be a new option eSign.

    The workflow stage of the document is Awaiting Sign Off.

  3. When you click on eSign, the following screen will be displayed.

  4. You can then add the people that the document is to be sent to for signing.

    You can add multiple people.

    When you click Send, you will see an option to Cancel eSign.


The recipients will receive an email with a link to REVIEW & SIGN.

When the recipient clicks on the link, they will see the document.

When they click on the Get Started button, they will be able to review and sign the document.


The recipient will then have to agree to the legal statement.


If multiple recipients have been specified then when they go to sign, they will see any other signatures that have been added.

When all the requested signatures have been made, the documents Workflow Stage is set to Complete.





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