Configure SupplierConnect Notifications

Configure SupplierConnect Notifications


  • Framework ECM is installed and in use.
  • Framework Logistics Tablet is installed and in use.

Step 01 - Web Portal Pre-Requisite Checklist

The following are summary topics that list the steps required before proceeding with the installation of any Framework Web Portal Software. This information is for internal IT staff responsible for the deployment of the Framework Web Portal Software and its integration into internal systems and business processes.

Step 01a - Web Server Requirements

The following is required on the web server that will host the Framework SupplierConnect Web Portal software:

If your organisation is running web based applications or hosting a website locally, please Contact Insula Software.

  • Microsoft Windows Server 2008 or above.
  • Microsoft IIS Version 5 or above.
  • An SSL website created for the Web Portal Software under Internet Information Services (IIS), accessible to clients requiring access to the Framework product Suite Web Portal Software website (SSL is recommended for improved security).
  • Framework Web Portal Software specific IIS website configuration changes (password control).
  • PHP v5.3.xx (standard binary installation).
  • Framework Product Suite Web Portal Software specific PHP configuration changes.
  • Framework Product Suite Web Portal Software configuration file changes (for correct Framework DSN).
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2008, 2008 R2, 2012, 2014 or 2016.
  • ODBC DSN for the Framework ECM database.
  • ODBC DSN for the Framework Licence database.
  • ODBC DSN(s) for the Framework Web Portal Software site configuration database(s).

Step 01b - Ensure Installation Of Microsoft SQL Server Native Client

Installs the native client for Microsoft SQL Server on the web server.

Install - Microsoft SQL Native Client

  1. Open Windows Explorer.
  2. Browse to: \[fw folder]\Setup\Database - MSSQL 2008\Microsoft - SQL Server Native Client Driver\
  3. Double-click the relevant setup file. The Microsoft SQL Server Native Client installation will begin.
  4. Click the Next The Licence Agreement step will be displayed.
  5. Select I accept the terms in the licence agreement.
  6. Click the Next The Registration Information step will be displayed.
  7. Enter the registration details.
  8. Click the Next The Feature Selection step will be displayed.
  9. Click the Next The Ready To Install the Program step will be displayed.
  10. Click the Install button to begin the installation.
  11. Click the Finish button to complete the installation.

Step 01c - Configure Microsoft SQL Server For Mixed Mode Authentication

During the installation of Microsoft SQL Server (MSSQL) 2008 or above on your server, Insula Software recommended installing MSSQL in Mixed Mode Authentication. If Microsoft SQL Server was already installed prior to Framework or was installed in Windows Authentication Mode only, it needs to be configured in Mixed Mode Authentication (SQL Server and Windows Authentication Mode) to run the Framework Product Suite Web Portal Software.

This will require the SQL services to be restarted and should be performed out of hours so that there are no database connections.

Configure Microsoft SQL Server For Mixed Mode Authentication

On the SQL server:

  1. Open Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio (Start > All Programs > Microsoft SQL Server 2008> SQL Server Management Studio).
  2. Connect to the required server.
  3. Right-click on the server and select Properties. The Server Properties dialog will be displayed.
  4. From the sidebar, select Security.
  5. Change the Server Authentication to SQL Server and Windows Authentication Mode.
  6. Click the OK A message prompt will be displayed.
  7. Click the OK
  8. Close Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.

Step 01d - Configure Microsoft SQL Server User Account

The following procedure creates a new Microsoft SQL Server login using SQL Server Authentication.

This applies to the SQL database server where the Framework databases reside.

Your organisation may already have an authenticated Microsoft SQL User available.

  • The following server security changes are the minimum requirements to access the Framework databases. Refer to Microsoft SQL Server documentation for more information on Microsoft SQL Server security.
  • The following procedure is based on Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Express Edition and should be used as a guide only.
  1. Open Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio (Start > All Programs > Microsoft SQL Server 2008 > SQL Server Management Studio).
  2. Connect to the required server.
  3. Expand: [Server Name] > Security
  4. Right-click Logins and select New Login. The Login - New dialog will be displayed.

  5. In the Login Name field, enter: FworkPortalUser
  6. Tick: SQL Server authentication
  7. In the Password field, enter: P@ssword
  8. In the Confirm Password field, enter: P@ssword

    Ensure a record is kept of the username and password entered as they will be required in upcoming steps.

  9. From the Default database drop-down list, select: master
  10. From the sidebar, select User Mapping.

  11. From the Users Mapped to This Login list, tick the required Framework database(s).
  12. For the FworkSQLECM and FworkSQLLic databases, ensure the following two items are ticked in the Database role membership for: [framework database] list:
    • db_owner
    • public
  13. Click the OK button.
  14. Close Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.

Step 01e - Install Internet Information Services

Internet Information Services (IIS) is a set of Internet-based services for servers using Microsoft Windows. IIS assist in configuring websites. Your organisation may already be configured for IIS depending on if the organisation currently runs any web-based software or runs their own website using local servers.

Different versions exist for different operating systems and, in general, an operating system's IIS cannot be updated to a newer edition.

The implications of the following settings should be carefully considered as a part of the overall web server/site installation and security.

IIS is a Microsoft Windows Component that is installed using the Add/Remove Programs (in Windows XP) and Programs and Features (Windows Vista and Windows 7).

Currently the web portal software supports the following IIS versions:

  • IIS 5 (Windows 2000)
  • IIS 5.1 (Windows XP)
  • IIS 6 (Windows Server 2003, Windows XP 64-Bit Edition)
  • IIS 7 (Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista)
  • IIS 7.5 (Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows 7)

To install IIS on your system, please consult the Microsoft Operating System documentation.

Step 02 - Web Portal Environment Setup Checklist

The following are summary topics that list the steps required on the day (or evening prior to) the installation of the Framework Product Suite Web Portal Software. This information is for internal IT staff responsible for the deployment of the Framework Product Suite Web Portal Software and its integration into internal systems and business processes.

Step 02a - Download PHP

PHP is a widely used scripting language that is designed for web development to produce dynamic web pages. Framework's web portal software, including MyNewHome, QuickView, and SupplierConnect, uses PHP to view the web portal.

Framework's Web Portal software currently uses PHP Version 5.3.xx (Zip Package version).

Step 02b - PHP Installation

PHP is a computer scripting language designed to help produce dynamic web pages. The Framework Product Suite Web Portal software uses PHP to create the website and to connect the website to the required Framework databases.

If PHP is already installed on the system, please Contact Insula Software.

  1. Unzip PHP to the folder: C:\php (on the target machine).

  2. In the C:\php folder, rename the ini-recommended file to be php.ini.

Step 02c - Microsoft SQL Server Driver For PHP

The SQL Server Driver for PHP v1.0 is designed to enable reliable, scalable integration with Microsoft SQL Server for PHP applications deployed on the Windows platform. The Driver for PHP is a PHP 5 extension that allows the reading and writing of Microsoft SQL Server data from within PHP scripts. It provides a procedural interface for accessing data in all editions of Microsoft SQL Server (including Express Editions).

Install - Microsoft SQL Server Driver For PHP

If the Microsoft SQL Server Driver for PHP is already installed on the system, please skip this step.

  1. Open Windows Explorer.
  2. Browse to: \[fw folder]\Setup\Database - MSSQL\Microsoft SQL Server Driver for PHP\
  3. Double-click the setup file. The Microsoft SQL Server Driver for PHP installation will begin.
  4. Click the Yes The File Extraction step will be displayed.
  5. Enter a location to extract the files (e.g., C:\phpext\). If the folder does not exist, confirm the folder creation. The files will be extracted.
  6. Browse to the extracted file location (e.g., C:\phpext\).
  7. Copy the following files:
    • dll
    • dll
  8. Browse to: \php\ext\
  9. Paste the files into the C:\php\ext\ folder.

After pasting the files, the location of the extracted files can be safely deleted.

Step 02d - PHP Configuration

Configures the PHP initialisation files.

  1. Open Windows Explorer.
  2. Browse to the location of the ini file (typically: C:\php\).
  3. Edit the ini file.
  4. Update the following settings:

    The following default settings may be different to those listed depending on the PHP version (the following information is based on PHP 5.2.11).
Field NameDefault SettingRequired Setting


error_reporting **E_ALLE_ERROR & E_WARNING


cgi.force_redirect *10
fastcgi.impersonate *11
SMTPlocalhost[server name or IP address]
smtp_port25[server's smtp port number]
sendmail_from *me@example.com[administrator@acmehomes.com.au]

* If a semi-colon (;) appears at the beginning of the line, users MUST remove it.

** Ensure the uncommented error_reporting field (with no semi-colon (;)) and not the commented ;error_reporting field (with semi-colon (;)) is updated.

  1. Find the Windows Extensions section of the ini file.
  2. Add the following extensions:
    • ;extension=php_sqlsrv.dll (including the leading semi-colon(;))
    • ;extension=php_sqlsrv_ts.dll (including the leading semi-colon(;))
    • extension=ixed\ixed.win
  3. Uncomment the following extension (by removing the leading semi-colon (;)):
    • extension=php_gd2.dll
  4. Save the ini file.
  5. Close the ini file.

Step 02e - Configure Firewall Settings

If the Framework Product Suite web portal web server is separated from the Framework database server by a network firewall (recommended), your firewall may require configuration of the following ports:

Microsoft SQL Ports

To configure the Firewall Ports, please consult your Microsoft documentation for more information.

PortRequiredFirewall Changes
1433CompulsoryMicrosoft SQL ODBC.
53OptionalThe DNS port is not required by Framework however is sometimes enabled to address network communications performance issues.

Step 03 - Configure ODBC DSN Connection

Provides Framework SupplierConnect Portal with the connection to read and write from the database.


Microsoft 64-Bit Operating Systems include two ODBC Data Source Administrator executable files.

Depending on the operating system, use the following to open the correct ODBC Data Source:
On 32-Bit Operating Systems: Use either:
Start Menu > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Data Sources (ODBC)
\\%SystemRoot%\system32\odbcad32.exe (e.g., C:\Windows\system32\odbcad32.exe).

On 64-Bit Operating System: Use:
\\%SystemRoot%\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe (e.g., C:\Windows\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe).

ODBC DSN Configuration - Framework

On the web server:

  1. Open Data Sources (ODBC).
  2. Select the System DSN
  3. Click the Add The Create New Data Source dialog will be displayed.

  4. Select SQL Server Native Client 10.0.
  5. Click the Finish The Create a New Data Source to SQL Server dialog will be displayed.

  6. Enter the following details:
    • Name: FworkSQLECM_Portal
    • Description (optional): Enter a description for the database connection. For example, Framework SupplierConnect Portal.
    • Server: Select the SQL Server from the Server drop-down list.
      Enter the SQL Server name.
  7. Click the Next

  8. Select With SQL Server authentication using a login ID and password entered by the user.
  9. In the Login Name field, enter: FworkPortalUser
  10. In the Password field, enter: P@ssword
  11. Click the Next

  12. Tick Change the default database to.
  13. From the drop-down list select, select the Framework ECM SQL Database.

    This is typically FworkSQLECM
  14. Click the Next
  15. Click the Finish The ODBC Microsoft SQL Server Setup dialog will be displayed.
  16. Click the Test Data Source...
  17. If successful, click the OK
  18. Click the OK The ODBC Microsoft SQL Server Setup dialog will close.
  19. Click the OK The Data Sources (ODBC) dialog will close.

ODBC DSN Configuration - Framework Licence

On the web server:

  1. Open Data Sources (ODBC).
  2. Select the System DSN
  3. Click the Add The Create New Data Source dialog will be displayed.

  4. Select SQL Server Native Client 10.0.
  5. Click the Finish The Create a New Data Source to SQL Server dialog will be displayed.

  6. Enter the following details:
    • Name: FworkSQLLic_Portal
    • Description (optional): Enter a description for the database connection. For example, Framework SupplierConnect Licence Portal.
    • Server: Select the SQL Server from the Server drop-down list.
      Enter the SQL Server name.
  7. Click the Next

  8. Select With SQL Server authentication using a login ID and password entered by the user.
  9. In the Login Name field, enter: FworkPortalUser
  10. In the Password field, enter: P@ssword
  11. Click the Next

  12. Tick Change the default database to.
  13. From the drop-down list select, select the Framework Licence SQL Database.

    This is typically FworkSQLLic
  14. Click the Next
  15. Click the Finish The ODBC Microsoft SQL Server Setup dialog will be displayed.
  16. Click the Test Data Source...
  17. If successful, click the OK
  18. Click the OK The ODBC Microsoft SQL Server Setup dialog will close.
  19. Click the OK The Data Sources (ODBC) dialog will close.

Step 04 - Install SupplierConnect Portal

The purpose of this document is to introduce the Framework SupplierConnect Web Portal product and act as a discussion paper to assist in determining the implementation requirements of the system. This analysis aims to address the following issues:

  • Framework SupplierConnect configuration
  • Collection of current website content.
  • Creation of new website content.
  • Framework data requiring review
  • Framework functionality for Framework SupplierConnect
  • Technical requirements.

Pre-Requisite Checklist

  • Complete the Web Portal Pre-Requisite Checklist
  • Complete the Web Portal Environment Checklist.

Step 04a - Copy Ixed File

The Ixed file procedure is not required if another, working Framework portal has been configured on the same server.

The ixed file contains decompile scripts for the Framework SupplierConnect Portal.

  1. Open Windows Explorer.
  2. Browse to: \[fw folder]\Setup\Framework SupplierConnect Portal\Ixed\
  3. Right-click on the win file and select Copy.
  4. Browse to: C:\php\ext\ folder and select Paste.
  • If the file already exists, overwrite it. The folder structure should look like:
       x:\[php folder]\ext\
  • The ext folder MUST contain the file ixed.win

Step 04b - Implement Framework SupplierConnect Files

Copies the Framework SupplierConnect Portal files to the web server.

  1. Open Windows Explorer.
  2. Browse to: \[fw folder]\Setup\Framework SupplierConnect Portal\WebSiteFiles\
  3. Select and copy all of the files and folders contained in the WebSiteFiles
  4. Browse to: x:\inetpub\wwwroot\[portalWebsiteFolder]\
    • x is the local target drive, and
    • [portalWebsiteFolder] is the folder name of the web portal software (e.g., supplierconnectportal, scp, etc.).
  5. Paste the files and folders into the [portalWebsiteFolder], overwriting any files in the process.

The folder structure should look like:


Step 04c - Installation - Folder Permissions

The following folders must have their security permissions updated for the following group or user names:









- x is the local target drive, and
- [portalWebsiteFolder] is the folder name of the Web Portal software (e.g., SupplierConnect.).

Step 04d - Portal Configuration

Configures the logon and configuration files for the Framework SupplierConnect Portal.

Configure Config.php File

  1. Open Windows Explorer.
  2. Browse to: x:\Inetpub\wwwroot\[portalWebsiteFolder]\inc_files\
    - x is the local target drive, and
    - [portalWebsiteFolder] is the folder name of the web portal software (e.g., SupplierConnect).
  3. Right-click on php and select Open With....
    When opening the following files, untick Always use the selected program to open this kind of file.
  4. From the Open With... dialog, select Notepad. This opens the file for editing.
  5. Find the text $dsn = "[Insert DSN]";
    • Replace [Insert DSN] with FworkSQLECM_Portal.
  6. Find the text $user = "";
    • Within the inverted commas, enter FworkPortalUser.
      Example: $user = "FworkPortalUser";
  7. Find the text $pass= "";
    • Within the inverted commas, enter P@ssword.
      Example: $pass= "P@ssword";
  8. Find the text $footer = "Copyright Framework Homes";
    • Replace Copyright Framework Homes with your organisation's copyright details.
      Example: Copyright Acme Homes. All Rights Reserved.
  9. Save the file and close Windows Notepad.

Step 04e - Configure Internet Information Services

Proceed to the next step if a Framework portal has already been configured and working on the same server.

IIS (Internet Information Services) is a set of Internet-based services for servers using Microsoft Windows. IIS assists in configuring websites. Your organisation may already be configured for IIS depending on if the organisation currently runs any web-based software or runs their own website from their local servers.

Different versions exist for different operating systems and, in general, an operating system's IIS cannot be updated to a newer edition.

The implications of the following settings should be carefully considered as a part of the overall web server/site installation and security.

IIS is a Microsoft Windows Component that is installed using the Add/Remove Programs (in Windows XP) and Programs and Features (Windows Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8).

The following guide details the steps required for IIS 7.5.

Configure IIS 7.5

  1. Open IIS 7.5.
  2. From the Connections list, expand: [server_name] > Sites.
  3. Highlight Default Web Site, ensuring that the Features View is selected.
  4. Open Handler Mappings.
  5. From the Actions list (on the right-hand side of the screen), click Add Module Mapping. The Add Module Mapping dialog will be displayed.

  6. Enter the following details:
    • Request Path: *.php
    • Module: From the drop-down list, select FastCgiModule
      If FastCGIModule is not available, ensure CGI has been installed.
    • Executable: Using the browse button, browse to the location of the php-cgi.exe file.
    • Name: PHP
  7. Click Request Restrictions.... The Mapping tab of the Request Restrictions dialog will be displayed.

  8. Edit the following details:
    • Ensure Invoke handler only if request is mapped to: is selected.
    • Click File or folder.
  9. Select the Verbs.

  10. Ensure that All verbs is selected.
  11. Select the Access tab.

  12. Ensure that Script is selected
  13. Click OK.
  14. Click OK.

Step 04f - Installation - Test Framework SupplierConnect Portal

Once Framework SupplierConnect is installed and configured, the website must be tested.

To access the newly created website:

  1. Open Internet Explorer.
  2. In the URL, enter:
  • http://[server name]/SupplierConnect/response/response.php

Step 05 - Portal Email Configuration

PHP settings for SMTP, smtp_port, and sendmail_from must contain the server and address information. This information, will allow the web portal to send notification responses to supervisors.


SMTP: Server name.
smtp_port: 25
sendmail_from: supplierconnectresponses@acmehomes.com.au

Step 06 - Logistics Desktop Monitor User And Mailbox Setup

Details the user and mailbox requirements for Logistics Desktop Notifications.

Framework Logistics Desktop Notifications User And Mailbox Account

A user account and mailbox must be created for Framework Logistics Desktop Notifications. This account is the mailbox that receives the office copy of the notifications sent from supervisors and suppliers.

  • Ensure the Mail Server has POP3 enabled.
  • Ensure the Mailbox Account has POP3 enabled.

Public Folders Setup

Public folders, or an archive equivalent, must be setup for archive/audit tracking of all Logistics notifications. Public folders are optional but HIGHLY recommended as they provide invaluable information from a support perspective (both internally for the business and externally for Insula Software. Public folders can have standing rules to auto-delete old notifications (e.g., after 1 to 3 months).

Each public folder should have a publicly accessible email address and the ability to receive and forward emails. Refer to your mail server documentation on creating public folders, setting email addresses, and forwarding.

Three public folders are recommended:

  1. Archive - Supplier Notifications: A copy of all notifications sent from supervisors to suppliers.
    Example: supplierconnectnotifications@acmehomes.com.au.
  2. Archive - Supplier Responses: A copy of responses sent from the SupplierConnect Portal to supervisors.
    Example: supplierconnectresponses@acmehomes.com.au.
  3. Archive - Logistics Desktop Notifications: A copy of all notifications sent from supervisors to the office. This public folder must forward a copy of the emails to the user account created above.
    Example: logisticsdesktopnotifications@acmehomes.com.au.

Step 07 - Install Logistics Desktop On The Server

Install Logistics Desktop on a server for the purposes of notification monitoring.

Typically this is the database server although this is not a requirement.

Step 07a - Install Logistics Desktop

On a server internal to the network (typically the database server):

  1. Open Windows Explorer.
  2. Browse to: \[fw folder]\Setup\Framework Logistics Desktop\vx.x.x\Setup\ (where x.x.x refers to the latest version of Framework Logistics Desktop).
  3. Double-click exe. The Framework Logistics Desktop installation process will begin.
  4. Click the Next The Framework Licence Agreement step will be displayed.
  5. Select I accept the terms in the licence agreement.
  6. Click the Next The Customer Information step will be displayed.
  7. Enter User Name and Organisation
  8. Select Anyone who uses this computer (all users).
  9. Click the Next The Setup Type step will be displayed.
  10. Select Complete.
  11. Click the Next The Ready To Install the Program step will be displayed.
  12. Click the Install button to begin the installation.
  13. Click the Finish button to complete the installation.

Step 07b - Run Logistics Desktop As A Service

Before installing Logistics Desktop Monitor as a service, ensure that the following two files are accessible on your system.

  • exe: Service installer.
  • exe: Applications as service utility.
Both files are available in the Setup folder of the Framework Product Suite DVD.


  1. Open the Run dialog (Start menu > Run).
  2. Enter: \\path\instsrv "Framework Logistics Desktop Monitor" \\path\srvany.exe


    c:\instsrv "Framework Logistics Desktop Monitor" c:\srvany.exe
  3. Open the Services screen (Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services).
  4. Right-click Framework Logistics Desktop Monitor and select Properties. The Framework Logistics Desktop Monitor Properties (Local Computer) dialog will be displayed.
  5. On the General tab, ensure Startup Type is set to Automatic.
  6. On the Log On tab, ensure This account is ticked.
    • Click the Browse button to find the user created in Step 06 - Logistics Desktop Monitor User and Mailbox Setup
    • In the Password field enter the user's password.
    • In the Confirm password field enter the user's password.
    • Click the OK The dialog will close.
  7. Close the Services screen.

Specifying Framework Logistics Desktop Monitor As The Application To Start

Framework Logistics Desktop Monitor must be installed before it can be added as a service.

  1. Open the Run dialog (Start > Run).
  2. Enter: Regedit. The Registry Editor will be displayed.
  3. Browse to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Framework Logistics Desktop Monitor
  4. From the Edit menu, select New then Key.
  5. Enter Parameters as the new key name.
  6. Right-click the Parameters key and select New then String Value.
  7. Enter Application as the new string value name.
  8. Right-click on Application and select ... The Edit String dialog will be displayed.
  9. In the Value Data field, enter the full path to the Framework Logistics Desktop executable (including the extension and switch).


    C:\Program Files\Insula Group Pty Ltd\Logistics Desktop\Bin\FworkCstLDesktop.exe /Monitor
  10. Click the OK
  11. Close the Registry Editor.

Remove Framework Logistics Desktop Monitor As A Service

To disable the Logistics Desktop Monitor as a service:

  1. Open the Services screen (Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services).
  2. Right-click Framework Logistics Desktop Monitor and select Properties. The Framework Logistics Desktop Monitor Properties (Local Computer) dialog will be displayed.
  3. On the General tab, ensure Startup Type is set to Disabled.
  4. Click the OK The dialog will close.
  5. Close the Services screen.

To permanently disable the service, reboot the system or right-click the Framework Logistics Desktop Monitor service and select Stop.

To Remove The Framework Logistics Desktop Monitor Service:

  1. Open the Services screen (Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services).
  2. Right-click Framework Logistics Desktop Monitor and select Stop.
  3. Close the Services screen.
  4. Open the Run dialog (Start > Run).
  5. Enter: \\path\instsrv "Framework Logistics Desktop Monitor" remove.

Step 08 - Install Microsoft Outlook


In Framework v5.1 and above, the Logistics Desktop Monitor supports SMTP/POP3.

On the server running Logistics Desktop Monitor, install Microsoft Outlook (2003, 2007, or 2010). After Microsoft Outlook is installed, logon to Microsoft Windows as the user created in Step 06 - Logistics Desktop Monitor User and Mailbox Setup and configure Outlook for that user.

Step 09 - Create Email Templates

Logistics Desktop Notifications uses template emails that are used to send information to suppliers.

Create Email Templates

In Framework Administration:

  1. From the Administration menu, select CRM then Email Template.
  2. From the Category list, select Construction Logistics.
  3. From the Email Template Level, select Default.
  4. Click the Email A shadow will appear around the list to indicate it is selected.
  5. Click the New The Email dialog will be displayed.
  6. Enter a name and reference name for the email template.


    Logistics - Called or Logistics - Called Off
  7. Click the OK The dialog will close.
  8. Click the Email Template A shadow will appear around the list to indicate it is selected.
  9. Click the New The General tab of the Email Template dialog will be displayed.
  10. Enter a subject heading.


    Example: Release for Delivery or Cancel Delivery.
  11. Enter the HTML email code.
  12. Tip: Use the Insert Field button to enter Framework fields into the HTML code. Use the Preview tab to preview an email template.
  13. When completed, click the OK

Two examples are provided below.


The following is a full Called and Called Off email template examples. Update your company details in the following code before finalising the email template.



Acme Homes: RELEASE For Delivery - ({jobAddress})

This is an automated notification from Acme Homes.
Please release for delivery the following purchase order:
Order Number: {{orderNumber}}
Activity: {{cstLActivityName}}
Date Required: {{dCalledForAct}}
Job Address: {{jobAddress}}
Supervisor: {{supervisorName}}
Job Number: {{jobNumber}}
Additional Instructions: {{suppInstructions}}


If you cannot deliver on the requested date you MUST make direct contact with the supervisor:
Supervisor: {{supervisorName}}
Mobile: {{supervisorTelMob}}
Email: {{supervisorTelEmail}}
Thank you for your assistance,
Acme Homes

Called Off

Acme Homes: CANCEL Delivery - ({jobAddress})

This is an automated notification from Acme Homes.
Please CANCEL the requested delivery of the following purchase order:
Order Number: {{orderNumber}}
Activity: {{cstLActivityName}}
Date Required: {{dCalledForAct}}
Job Address: {{jobAddress}}
Supervisor: {{supervisorName}}
Job Number: {{jobNumber}}
You are NOT required to respond to this notification.
If required, you can contact the supervisor:
Supervisor: {{supervisorName}}
Mobile: {{supervisorTelMob}}
Email: {{supervisorTelEmail}}
Thank you for your assistance,
Acme Homes

Step 10 - Configure Framework Preferences For Logistics Notifications

Preferences in Framework ECM needs to be configured.

Insula Software recommendations are listed in bold in the Setting column.

Update Notification Preferences

In Framework ECM:

  1. Open the Security module (File > Module > Security).
  2. From the Security menu, select Preference.
  3. Expand Framework Construction Logistics > SupplierConnect Portal > Notifications.
Preference NumberPreference NameSetting
-50000Enable SupplierConnect NotificationsEnables the SupplierConnect notification function.
Yes: Enables SupplierConnect Notifications
No (default): Disables the SupplierConnect Notification.
-11050Email Address for Notifications to DesktopThe default email address to which all notification emails are sent to the office.
[enter email address]
Example: logisticsdesktopnotifications@acmehomes.com.au
-50078Source of Supplier Details for Notifications

The location where notifications will search for supplier details.


  • Purchase Order (default)
  • Purchase Order Entity
  • Purchase Order Entity Order Release
  • Logistics Item Entity
  • Logistics Item Entity Order Release
-11003Notifications Response Page URLThe URL response page of the SupplierConnect Web Portal. This is the page that the supplier accesses when responding to a notification.
http://[Server Name]
-50040SupplierConnect Portal Status

The status of the SupplierConnect Web Portal.


  • Disabled (default)
  • Enabled - Testing
  • Enabled - Live

Update Configuration - Logistics Desktop Preferences

In Framework ECM:

  1. Open the Security module (File > Module > Security).
  2. From the Security menu, select Preference.
  3. Expand Framework Construction Logistics > SupplierConnect Portal > Configuration - Logistics Desktop.
Preference NumberPreference NameSetting
-11053Notification Monitor (Minutes) – DesktopThe time, in minutes, between Logistics Desktop Monitor probing Microsoft Outlook for new notifications.
[enter the number of minutes between searches - default is 5 minutes]
-11054Notification Monitor (Minutes) – ShadowThe time, in minutes, between Logistics Desktop Monitor updates.
[enter the number of minutes between searches - standard is 5 minutes]
-11051MAPI Inbox Subfolder for Notifications – DesktopThe sub-folder for Logistics Desktop notifications.
[enter the sub-folder for Logistics Desktop notifications]
-50079Monitoring Email Transport

The email transport method.

  • No Email (default)
  • MAPI
-50080POP3 Server Name

The SMTP/POP3 server name. Enter a server name if the previous item (Monitoring Email Transport) is set to SMTP/POP3.


[enter the SMTP/POP3 server name]

-50081POP3 Server Requires Encryption

The encryption status of the SMTP/POP3 server.


  • No (default)
  • Yes
-50082POP3 User Name

The username required to login to the SMTP/POP3 server.


[enter a username for the SMTP/POP3 server]

-50083POP3 Password

The password required to login to the SMTP/POP3 server for the entered username.


[enter a password for the SMTP/POP3 server for the entered username]

-50084Enable Monitoring Report

Enable or disable the emailing of daily monitor reports.


  • No (default)
    • Yes
-50085Monitoring Report Email Address (To)The email address the monitoring report will be sent to.
[enter email address]
-50086Monitoring Report Email Address (Cc)The carbon copy email address the monitoring report will be sent to.
[enter email address]
-50087Time of Day to Send Monitoring ReportThe time the monitoring report will be sent to the entered email addresses.
[enter a time]

Update Configuration - Logistics Tablet Preferences

In Framework ECM:

  1. Open the Security module (File > Module > Security).
  2. From the Security menu, select Preference.
  3. Expand Framework Construction Logistics > SupplierConnect Portal > Configuration - Logistics Tablet.
Preference NumberPreference NameSetting
-11052Notification Monitor (minutes) – TabletThe time, in minutes, for how often the tablet will update and search Microsoft Outlook for notifications.
[enter the number of minutes between searches - default is 5 minutes]
-50046Prompt User To Confirm Notification

Toggle a Tablet PC user confirmation prompt prior to sending notifications.

  • Yes (default)
  • No
-50047Show Notification Sent Confirmation

Toggle a Tablet PC user informing that a notification has been sent.


  • Yes (default)
  • No
-11048Enable Notification Monitoring

This option enables or disables the monitoring of notification responses from the supplier.


  • Yes
  • No
-50088MAPI Inbox Subfolder for Notifications – TabletThis is the sub-folder for Tablet PC notifications. This sub-folder is where the Tablet PC monitor will search for notifications if a subfolder was setup.
[enter sub-folder location]

Update Notification Emails Preferences

This is where we setup the Email template for each Called and Called Off notification type. The templates are created in Logistics Desktop and are currently assigned at a user level.

In Framework ECM:

  1. Open the Security module (File > Module > Security).
  2. From the Security menu, select Preference.
  3. Expand Framework Construction Logistics > SupplierConnect Portal > Notification Emails.
Preference NumberPreference NameSetting
-11008Called Email – TabletUsed to assign the email template for called email notifications sent from the Tablet PC.
-11009Called Off Email – TabletUsed to assign the email template for called off email notifications sent from the Tablet PC.
-50089Called SMS Email – TabletUsed to assign the email template for called SMS notifications sent from the Tablet PC.
-50090Called Off SMS Email – TabletUsed to assign the email template for called off SMS notifications sent from the Tablet PC.
-50091Called Email – ECM/OfficeUsed to assign the email template for called email notifications sent from the office.
-50092Called Off Email – ECM/OfficeUsed to assign the email template for called off email notifications sent from the office.
-50093Called SMS Email – ECM/OfficeUsed to assign the email template for called SMS notifications sent from the office.
-50094Called Off SMS Email – ECM/OfficeUsed to assign the email template for called off SMS notifications sent from the office.

Update Supplier Reminders Preferences

In Framework ECM:

  1. Open the Security module (File > Module > Security).
  2. From the Security menu, select Preference.
  3. Expand Framework Construction Logistics > SupplierConnect Portal > Supplier Reminders.
Preference NumberPreference NumberSetting
-50095Send Daily RemindersThis setting is used to enable daily reminders that will be sent to suppliers as a reminder of outstanding notifications (to be verified).
-50096Time of day to Send RemindersUsed to set the time the daily supplier reminder will be sent.

Update Notification Email Delivery Preferences

In Framework ECM:

  1. Open the Security module (File > Module > Security).
  2. From the Security menu, select Preference.
  3. Expand Framework Construction Logistics > SupplierConnect Portal > Notification Email Delivery.
Preference NumberPreference NumberSetting
-11004Live – Supplier Email Address (Cc)This email address is used to send a carbon copy of the notification when a notification is sent to a supplier via the Tablet PC or office. This email address is used when the portal has a status of Live.
-11005Live – Supplier Email Address (Bcc)This email address is used to send a blind carbon copy of the notification when a notification is sent to a supplier via the Tablet PC or office. This email address is used when the portal has a status of Live.
-11006Live – Supplier Email Request Delivery ReceiptThis preference is used to enable delivery receipts for when a notification is sent from the Tablet PC or office. This preference is only valid when the portal has a status of Live.
-11007Live – Supplier Email Request Read ReceiptThis preference allows the notification to request a read receipt from the supplier when receiving the notification email. This preference is only valid when the portal has a status of Live.

Step 11 - Enable Supplier Entities For Notifications

To enable supplier entities for notifications:

  1. Open Framework ECM.
  2. Open the Administration module (File > Module > Administration).
  3. From the Administration menu, select Entity then Entity. The Entity screen will be displayed.
  4. From the Entity Roles list, select a supplier. The Entities list will be updated.


    Brick Supplier.
  5. From the Entities list, select a supplier.
  6. Click the Edit The General tab of the Company Details dialog will be displayed.
  7. Select the Profiles
  8. In the Notifications group, toggle the Email field from No to Yes.
  9. Click the OK The supplier will now be enabled for notifications via email.

Repeat for each supplier that will receive notifications via email.

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