SupplierConnect Portal Install and Upgrade Quick Guide

SupplierConnect Portal Install and Upgrade Quick Guide

PHP install/upgrade

  • PHP 5.4 is compatible with Supplier Connect Response Portal Version 7. It is recommended for security reasons to update to PHP version 7.1

Packages to be installed (found online):

            PHP 7.3.X (x86)

            PHP Manager for IIS

Copy the php_v7x.zip file to C:\Program Files (x86)\php

Copy the php.ini-production file and paste it into the same directory.
Rename the copied file to php.ini

Add the php folder to the System Path Variables

  1. Type Edit the system environment variables into the start bar, press the option

  2. Click the Environment Variables option

  3. From the system variables, click the Path option and press Edit.

  4. In the created row, copy/paste in the path to the PHP folder where the php-cgi.exe resides
    E.g., C:\Program Files (x86)\PHP\v7.3

    After pasting the path in, press OK to save the changes

On Windows Server, using Server Manager add the following feature:

World Wide Web Services → Application Development Features → CGI

On Windows, using Programs and Features (appwiz.cpl), Turn Windows Features on or off
Add optional feature under World Wide Web Services --> Application Development Features --> (CGI)

Add the required feature and press OK

Install PHP Manager

Run IIS Manager

Against the server, select the PHP Manager option

Click on the register PHP Version, and navigate to your installed php path (e.g., C:\Program Files (x86)\php)

Press the browse option (...)

Click on the php-cgi.exe file

Configure PHP.ini File

Edit the php.ini file, this is typically located here:
C:\Program Files (x86)\PHP\v7.X\php.ini

Depending on the version of PHP installed, your installation path may be different.

Update the following Settings

Field NameDefault SettingRequired Setting
cgi.force_redirect *10
fastcgi.impersonate *11
SMTPlocalhost[servername or IP address]
smtp_port25[server'ssmtp portnumber]
sendmail_from *me@example.comsupplierconnect@yourdomainname.com.au

* If a semi-colon (;)appears at the beginning of the line, it MUST be removed.

Find the Extensions section at the bottom of the php.ini file

Add the following (it may already exist)

  • extension=php_odbc.dll

Save the php.ini file

Configure Firewall Settings

If the Framework Product Suite web portal web server is separated from the Framework database server by a network firewall (recommended), your firewall may require configuration of the following ports: 

Microsoft SQL Ports

To configure the Firewall Ports, please consult your Microsoft documentation for more information.

PortRequiredFirewall Changes
1433CompulsoryMicrosoft SQL ODBC. (If your SQL Server is configured on a different port use that port number)
53OptionalThe DNS port is not required by Framework however is sometimes enabled to address network communications performance issues.

Configure ODBC DSN Connection

Install SQL Native Client if not already installed on to the IIS Server.

Framework ECM - ODBC DSN Configuration

1. Open Data Sources (ODBC).
2. Select the System DSN tab.
3. Click the Add button. The Create New Data Source dialog will be displayed.
4. Select SQL Native Client for the SQL Server version being used.

5. Click the Finish button. The Create a New Data Source to SQL Server dialog will be displayed.
6. Enter the following details:

  • Name: FworkSQLECM
  • Description (optional): Enter a description for the database connection. For example, Framework ECM.
  • Server: Select the SQL Server from the Server drop-down list.
    Enter the SQL Server name.

 If there is an error following Step 8, change the server name above to: \[server name]\SQLEXPRESS

7. Click the Next button.
8. Select With SQLServer authentication using a login ID and password entered by the user.

9. In the Login ID field, enter: eg. FworkPortalUser

10. In the Password field,enter: eg. P@ssword

Click the Next button.
11. Tick Change the default database to.
12. From the drop-down list select: FworkSQLEcm
13. Click the Next button.
14. Click the Finish button. The ODBC Microsoft SQL Server Setup dialog will be displayed.
15. Click the Test Data Source... button.
16. If successful, click the OK button.
17. Click the OK button. The ODBC Microsoft SQL Server Setup dialog will close.
18. Click the OK button. The Data Sources (ODBC) dialog will close.

Framework License - ODBC DSN Configuration

1. Open Data Sources (ODBC).
2. Select the System DSN tab.
3. Click the Add button. The Create New Data Source dialog will be displayed.
4. Select SQL Native Client for the SQL Server version being used.

5. Click the Finish button. The Create a New Data Source to SQL Server dialog will be displayed.
6. Enter the following details:

  • Name: FworkSQLLic
  • Description (optional): Enter a description for the database connection. For example, Framework ECM.
  • Server: Select the SQL Server from the Server drop-down list.
    Enter the SQL Server name.

If there is an error following Step 8, change the server name above to: \[server name]\SQLEXPRESS

7. Click the Next button.

8. Select With SQLServer authentication using a login ID and password entered by the user.

9. In the Login ID field, enter: eg. FworkPortalUser

10. In the Password field, enter: eg. P@ssword

11. Click the Next button.
12. Tick Change the default database to.
13. From the drop-down list select: FworkSQLLic
14. Click the Next button.
15. Click the Finish button. The ODBC Microsoft SQL Server Setup dialog will be displayed.
16. Click the Test Data Source... button.
17. If successful, click the OK button.
18. Click the OK button. The ODBC Microsoft SQL Server Setup dialog will close.
19. Click the OK button. The Data Sources (ODBC) dialog will close.

Implement Website Files

Copy the Website files to C:\inetpub\wwwroot\SupplierConnect (make sure to backup existing files if they exist)

Folder Permissions for InternetGuestAccount(servername_IUSR) 





For the user account to give permissions, this must be the one that the web service is configured for.

  • IUSR

From the folder, right-click and go to properties.

On the security tab, press the Edit option

Press the Add option and find the user account to add the permissions to

Tick the required permissions options per the above table

Configure Website Files

Edit the file 'C:\inetpub\wwwroot\SupplierConnect\inc_files\config.php' using Notepad.
If this file is currently read-only, you must edit the properties of the file and uncheck this.

Modify the following lines with the DSN Name, Username and Password you used to create the ODBC Connection above. 

If the SQL password to be added contains a dollar sign ($), the double quotes " must be replaced with single quotes, e.g. "P@$$word" → 'P@$$word'

$dsn = "FworkSQLEcm";    // ODBC connection of database.

$user = "FworkPortalUser"; // username for connecting to the DB

$pass = "P@ssword"; // Password for connecting to the DB 

$footerText = "Copyright Insula Group Pty Ltd";  - You can insert your company name between the quotes

$emailFromAddr = "SupplierConnect@frameworkecm.com.au"; // From email addresses, 

Check FrameworkSupplierConnect Portal

Once FrameworkSupplierConnect is installed and configured, the website must be tested.

To access the newly created website: 

1. Open Web Browser.

2. In the URL, enter: http://localhost/SupplierConnect/response/response.php?sp=
If your SupplierConnect folder under c:\inetpub\wwwroot is named differently, or is under a subfolder, your URL must be adjusted accordingly.

Test SMTP Relay from IIS Server

This requires the telnet client to be installed, to do that, please perform the below commands:

  1. Run powershell as an administrator
  2. Type: "Import-Module servermanager" without the quotes, press enter
  3. Type "Add-WindowsFeature Telnet-client", press enter

Other ways to add this include through dism (cmd line), or via server manager directly.

Open up command prompt and type the following commands:

  1. telnet smtp server name/ip/fqnd 25 (specify the server name, and that we want to connect via port 25), e.g. telnet exch-srvr1 25, telnet exch-srv1.domain.local 25, telnet 25
  2. ehlo domainname.com.au (e.g. ehlo insulagroup.com.au - you can also use helo, depending on your exchange servers configuration)
  3. mail from: supplierconnect@domainname.com.au
  4. rcpt to: externaluser@externaldomain.com.au (this can be any domain that is not equal to your domain name, i.e. in the case of franchisees/business units that may operate under different names. E.g. Support@insulagroup.com.au)
  5. data
  6. subject: Test message from IIS Server
  7. This is a test message only, no action required
  8. . (period will close the command, so just the . then press enter)
  9. type "quit" to exit the session.

After the above steps have been completed, you should get a message saying 'ok - message accepted', followed by an email sent to your inbox

If there is an issue in completing this, please review your SMTP relay settings, as well as which machines are allowed to relay. This can be done through exchange management console, or via exchange online.

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