Contact Address/Telephone

Contact Address/Telephone

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The Contact Address/Telephone screen is used to manage the address and telephone information for the contact displayed in the context bar.



Adding An Address For A Contact

Before creating an address or telephone item, ensure the correct contact is displayed in the context bar. The  icon scrolls through existing contacts.

When creating an address it is important to select the correct description to ensure that the address is labelled correctly when it is listed in other areas of Framework ECM.

  1. Click the Addresses list. A shadow will appear around the list to indicate it is selected.

  2. Click New. The Address dialog will be displayed.

  3. Enter the details.

  4. Click OK. The dialog will close and a new address will be added.

Adding A Telephone Number For A Contact

When creating a telephone number, there are several descriptions and formats that can be selected. It is important to select the correct description to ensure that the number is labelled correctly when it is used in other areas of Framework ECM.

  1. Click the Telephone Numbers list. A shadow will appear around the list to indicate it is selected.

  2. Click New. The Telephone dialog will be displayed.

  3. Enter the details.

  4. Click OK. The dialog will close and a new telephone number or email address will be added.