Step 3 - Contact - Address \ Telephone
The Address/Telephone tab allows users to add specific contact details for a contact such as telephone numbers, email addresses, and websites.
Adding an Address
- Enter the address details under the Address group.
- Click the right-arrow button () to move the address into the Addresses list on the right-hand side of the dialog.
To remove a redundant or incorrect address, select the address from the Addresses list and click the left-arrow button ()
Adding a Telephone Number
- Enter the telephone details under the Telephone group.
- Click the right-arrow button () to move the contact details into the Telephone Numbers list on the right-hand side of the dialog.
to remove redundant or incorrect contact details, select the value from the Telephone Numbers list and click the left-arrow button ().
- Clear Address/Telephone Fields (): click to clear the address or telephone information.
- Address (Description field): if a client has lived at their current address for less than two (2) years, some finance institutions require a previous address. Selecting Street Address - Previous from the Description field will allow the entry of a previous address.
- Postal Address: if there are multiple addresses in the Addresses list, one of these must be selected as the Postal Address. By default, the first address entered will be selected as the Postal Address although users can click the Set Primary button () to set the Postal Address.
Custom? Field: allows the user to specify a non-standard address, such as a foreign address.
Copy Address Button (): located next to the group heading, this allows users to copy address details from the contacts into the client's own details. This only applies to clients who have one or more contacts listed.
Copy Number Button (): located next to the group heading, this allows users to copy telephone details from the contacts into the client's own details. This only applies to clients who have one or more contacts listed.
- The Online Map popup button can be used to open Google Maps.