Return to Document Dispatch forms to your suppliers that provide information about a task to be scheduled, which outlines a process and potential cost for completing that task. Work orders can include details on who authorised the work, who it's assigned to, the scope and what is expected. Usually, Work Orders are the result of follow-up actions from an inspection, ordering quantity error, or presite works where approval is required prior to the issuing of a purchase order. Ensure that you have been setup with a Work Order Approval Threshold and a Work Order Approval Manager. Note: Work Orders can be accessed via the Document File Menu or Navigation Side Bar. If using the Side Bar, depending on your security permissions, Work Orders can be found under Construction \ Work Orders or Document \ Work Orders Action Group Action Description Edit - *Far Left Bottom of Screen Edit the dialog screen - does not select a record. Close - *Far Left Bottom of Screen Closes the Work Order the dialog screen - does not select a record. New Create a new work order. Edit Edit the currently selected Work Order (Draft Status Only) Delete Delete the selected draft work order. Finalise Change the status of the work order to final. Cancel WO Cancel the selected active work order approval request. Check Status Checks if any of the work orders for the job have been approved, and updates the status accordingly. Print Generate a PDF of the currently selected work order. Email Generate an email to send to the supplier nominated against the work order. View Group View Description All Opens the all view to show all Work Orders, regardless of who raised them or what status they are. Draft Opens the draft view to show current draft status work orders. Mine Opens the mine view to show only work orders raised by the currently logged in user. Mandatory Rules The following mandatory rules apply for work order approval requests, to ensure adequate detail is included in the request that is sent to a manager. Item Description Sub Type A subtype must be nominated against the work order. Reason A reason must be nominated against the work order. Cost Centre A cost centre must be nominated against the work order. Supplier A valid supplier must be nominated against the work order. Total Value The total of all items added to the work order must exceed $1.00 Notes (Shown) The notes (shown) field must have text entered. This dashboard screen allows users to specify various criteria to show a list of work orders. The filter selection allows for specific criteria to be applied to only return the work orders you wish to work on. Action Group Action Description Refresh Performs a refresh of the data that applies to the criteria selected. Select Selects the job from the work order list as the current job in Framework. Search Search for a specific Work Order number. Check Status Performs a check status of all work orders in the list. View View the selected Work Order document Edit Edit the selected Work Order document Cancel WO Cancels the selected Work Order documents approval request (if/where applicable).
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Work Order Screen / Work Order Dialog
Issue an approval request if the WO value is greater than the threshold for the user.Work Order Tools
For example, it can be used to show only Final/Approved work orders, where a Purchase Order is to be raised.
Each section has an [All] option which will select all list options.
This must be pressed after making any changes to criteria as the screen will not automatically refresh.
This is a general check status, and will apply to all work orders, it is not job specific.