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The following guide is designed to upgrade the Framework ECM database and software.

Pre-Requisite Checklist

Step 1 - Shutdown Framework ECM

Before proceeding with the upgrade, Framework ECM needs to be shutdown so that no user can access the system during the upgrade period.

Shutting down Framework ECM logs users out of the system in an orderly fashion.

  1. Open Framework Configuration Utility (Start > All Programs > Insula Software > Framework Configuration Utility)
  2. Logon to the system.
  3. Select the Shutdown tab.

  4. In the Framework Shutdown group, change the Shutdown? field from No to Yes.
  5. Enter the shutdown details.
  6. Click the Shutdown Framework button.
  7. Click the OK button.

Step 2 - Close Framework Connections

It is a requirement for the Framework Product Suite Upgrade to be successful that all connections to the Framework database be cleared. Please refer to your Microsoft SQL Server documentation for more information on this process.

Step 3 - Implement Framework Product Suite Files

It is a requirement that all Framework Product Suite files are implemented on your server to the [fw folder].

On the system that contains the [fw folder]:

  1. Insert the Framework Product Suite Software Upgrade USB into the drive of the system that houses the [fw folder].

    Note: If Autorun is currently enabled, the Framework Upgrade PDF document will automatically open.
  2. Open Windows Explorer.
  3. Browse to: USB Drive (typically the E:\ Drive).
  4. Right-click on the Framework folder and select Copy.
  5. Browse to the Framework folder on the server (Typically C:\Framework\). The following image is a typical example of the Framework folder.

  6. From the Folders pane (top arrow), right-click the C:\Framework\ folder (bottom arrow) and select Paste. The file copy will commence.

Note: During the file copy the following dialogs may be displayed: Confirm File ReplaceConfirm Folder ReplaceConfirm File Replace (Read Only). When displayed, click the Yes To All button to replace all files and folders.

Important: It is important to review the Framework folder permissions after the file copy to ensure they meet your company's security standards. 

Step 4 - Configure Folder And File Permissions

The Framework Folders require different access permissions depending on the folder. The following table displays the list of Framework folders and the network permissions required for each. Network permissions are rules associated with a shared resource on a network, such as a file, folder, or printer. These permissions can be assigned to groups, global groups, or individual users.

The available Microsoft Windows folder security permissions include: 

  • Full Control
  • Modify
  • Read & Execute
  • List Folder Contents
  • Read
  • Write
  • Special Permissions

See the Microsoft Windows Help and Support documentation for more information on folder security permissions.

Framework Folder Structure

Non-Administrative User Network Permissions



































Step 5 - Backup Framework ECM Database

The following topic will backup your Framework ECM Database. This procedure is based on Microsoft SQL Server 2008. Please consult your Microsoft documentation if you are using Microsoft SQL Server 2005..

Backup Framework ECM Database

  1. Open SQL Server Management Studio (Start > All Programs > Microsoft SQL Server 2008 > SQL Server Management Studio).
  2. Connect to the required server.
  3. In the Object Explorer pane, expand: [server name] > Databases
  4. Right-click on the Framework ECM database (e.g., FworkSQLECM) and select Tasks > Back Up. The Back Up Database (General Page) dialog will be displayed.
  5. Specify a Name and Destination for the backup file, if different from the default name and destination details.

    Note: Write down the name and destination details.
  6. Select the Options page.
  7. Tick: Overwrite all existing backup sets
  8. Tick: Verify backup when finished
  9. Click the OK button. The backup will be performed to the selected destination.
  10. Click the OK button to close the message prompt.
  11. Close SQL Server Management Studio.
  12. Browse to the backup location (as detailed in Point 5 above).
  13. Copy the backup file to a secure location.

Example: A typical example is to backup the database file (.bak file) to the following folder location: \[fw folder]\Service\fwBackup_[todaysDate].

Step 6 - Upgrade Framework ECM Database

- This MUST be performed on the server that hosts the Framework ECM database. 
- The system where the data is being upgraded MUST be set with Australian regional settings.
- The Framework ECM database must have previously been upgraded to v6.3.0 Contact your Framework administrator if you are not running the Framework ECM v6.3.0 database.

The following procedure upgrades the Framework ECM database. 

Tip: If during the upgrade process 'Not Responding' appears in the title bar of the Framework Upgrade software, this is due to the system performing very long and CPU-intensive calculations. This message will disappear once the upgrade has been completed.

Framework ECM 7.0.0 Database Upgrade

  1. Open Windows Explorer.
  2. Browse to: \[fw folder]\Upgrade\Upgrade7_0_0_[xx]\ECM\
  3. Double-click the FworkUpgrade.exe file. A Database Backup confirmation prompt will be displayed.
  4. Click Yes to confirm that a manual backup of the Framework ECM database has been performed (if a manual backup has not been performed, see Step 5 - Backup Framework ECM Database). The Start Upgrade confirmation prompt will be displayed.
  5. Click Yes to perform the upgrade.
  6. If the upgrade was successful, a successfully completed message prompt will be displayed.
  7. Click OK.
  8. Click Close.

Performance Enhancement Command Line

By default there are functions that will be run during the ECM Upgrade to improve database performance.

To disable the Shrink Database Log and Update Stats functions, a command line switch can be used.

  1. Open Windows Explorer.
  2. Browse to: \[fw folder]\Upgrade\Upgrade_v7_0_0_[xx]\ECM\
  3. Right-click on FworkECMUpgrade.exe and select Create Shortcut. A shortcut to the executable will be created.
  4. Right-click on the new shortcut and select Properties. The Properties dialog will be displayed.
  5. On the Shortcut tab, edit the Target field and include the command line switch -skipDBAdmin at the end of the line. The target should look similar to the following:
     "C:\Framework\Upgrade\Upgrade_v7_0_0_[xx]\ECM\FworkECMUpgrade.exe" -skipDBAdmin
  6. Click the OK button. The Properties dialog will close.

After creating a new shortcut with the command line switch, run the Database Upgrade using the new shortcut.

Unsuccessful Database Upgrade

If the database was unsuccessful, restore the backup database file. Refer to your Microsoft SQL Server documentation for more information.

Step 7 - Upgrade Sentinel Protection Installer

Upgrades the Sentinel Hardware Licence Key security software.

Important: This step can be skipped if Sentinel Protection Installer is already installed.

Upgrade - Sentinel Protection Installer

Note: If installing on Windows Vista or Windows 7, the User Account Control (UAC) Consent prompt may be displayed.

  1. Open Windows Explorer.
  2. Browse to: \[fw folder]\Setup\Sentinel Protection Installer\v7.6.5\
  3. Double-click setup.exe. The Sentinel Protection Installer Upgrade will begin and the Confirm Upgrade dialog will be displayed.
  4. Click the Upgrade button. The Welcome dialog will be displayed.
  5. Click the Next. The Licence Agreement will be displayed.
  6. Select I accept the terms in the licence agreement.
  7. Click the Next button. The Setup Type dialog will be displayed.
  8. Select Complete.
  9. Click the Next button. The Ready To Install the Program dialog will be displayed.
  10. Click the Install button to begin the installation.

    Important: If Windows Firewall is detected, click the Yes button.
  11. Click the Finish button.

Note: Your system may require a reboot after the installation.

Step 8 - Update Core Components

Installs a set of common software tools used by Framework ECM.

Important: This step can be skipped if Core Components v16.0 is already installed.

Uninstall - Existing Version Of Core Components

On all systems running Framework ECM:

Microsoft Windows XP

  1. Open Add or Remove Programs (Start > Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs). The Add or Remove Programs dialog will be displayed.
  2. From the Currently Installed Programs list, select the older version Insula Core Components.
  3. Click Remove. The application will be removed.
  4. Close the dialog.

Microsoft Windows Vista/Windows 7

  1. Open Uninstall a Program (Start > Control Panel > Uninstall a Program). The Uninstall or Change a Program list will be displayed.
  2. Select the older version Insula Core Components.
  3. Click Uninstall. The application will be removed.
  4. Close the screen.

Install - New Version Of Core Components

Note: If installing on Microsoft Windows Vista or above, the User Account Control (UAC) Consent prompt may be displayed during the installation.

  1. Open Windows Explorer.
  2. Browse to: \[fw folder]\Setup\Insula Core Components\v16.0\
  3. Either double-click setup.exe or Insula Core Components v16.0.0.msi. The Insula Software Core Components Welcome dialog will be displayed.

  4. Click the Next button. The Licence Agreement dialog will be displayed.
  5. Select I accept the terms in the licence agreement.
  6. Click the Next button. The Customer Information dialog will be displayed.
  7. Enter User Name and Organisation details.
  8. Select Anyone who uses this computer (all users).
  9. Click the Next button. The Setup Type dialog will be displayed.
  10. Select Complete.
  11. Click the Next button. The Ready To Install the Program dialog will be displayed.
  12. Click the Install button to begin the installation.
  13. Click the Finish button to complete the installation.

Step 9 - Update Framework ECM

On ALL systems running Framework ECM:

Uninstall The Existing Version Of Framework ECM

In Microsoft Windows XP

  1. Open Add or Remove Programs (Start > Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs). The Add or Remove Programs dialog will be displayed.
  2. From the Currently Installed Programs list, select the previous version of Framework ECM.
  3. Click the Remove button. The application will be removed.

In Microsoft Windows Vista/Windows 7

  1. Open Uninstall a Program (Start > Control Panel > Uninstall a Program). The Uninstall or Change a Program list will be displayed.
  2. Select the previous version of Framework ECM.
  3. Click the Uninstall button. The application will be removed.

Install The Latest Version Of Framework ECM

  1. Open Windows Explorer.
  2. Browse to: \[fw folder]\Setup\Framework ECM\v7.0\Setup\
  3. Double-click Framework ECM.msi and follow the on-screen prompts.

Step 10 - Restart Framework ECM

After finishing the database and system upgrade, Framework ECM needs to be restarted so that users can access the system.

  1. Open Framework Configuration Utility (Start > All Programs > Insula Software > Framework Configuration Utility)
  2. Logon to the system.
  3. Select the Shutdown tab.

  4. Under the Framework Availability group, click the Restart Now button.
  5. Click the OK button.

Step 11 - Test Framework ECM

On all systems running Framework ECM:

Start Framework ECM

  1. Start Framework ECM (Start > All Programs > Insula Software > Framework).

    Tip: Double-click the Framework ECM desktop icon.
  2. If this is the first installation of Framework ECM or a manual update of the Framework Licence database has not been performed, the Framework Licence Database Validation prompt will be displayed.

    Note: If the Framework Licence Database Validation prompt is not displayed, skip to  Point 6.
  3. Click the Yes button to validate the Framework installation. The Update Licence dialog will be displayed.
  4. Browse to the location of the Framework Licence Zip file.

    Tip: The file is typically located in the \\[fw folder]\Service\02 - Upgrade Data\ folder with the filename
  5. Select the file and click the Open button. The validation will be performed.
  6. Log on to the system.

Step 12 - User Acceptance Tests

The following is a list of view only User Acceptance Tests (UATs) that must be performed after upgrading the application.

Note: These tests must be performed after the first workstation/client system has been upgraded.

Framework ECM - Production Management


Screen / View

Menu Path


Start Framework



Log in as a user other than a super-user



Search for a job number

File > Select


Search for an address

File > Search


View Client Overview

Client > Overview


View File Screen

Client > File


View Job Overview

Client > Overview


View Workflow Overview

Production > Workflow > Overview


View Pre-Administration Overview

Production > Pre-Administration > Overview


View Administration Overview - Pop up view entity - Pop up for diary appointment - Use a jump to

Production > Administration > Overview


View Permit Overview

Production > Administration > Permit > Overview


View Construction Overview - Pop up view entity - Pop up for diary appointment - Use a jump to

Production > Construction > Overview


View Claims Screen

Production > Construction > Progress Claims


View Maintenance Overview

Production > Maintenance > Maintenance Overview


View Maintenance Request Screen

Production > Maintenance > Requests


View Document Overview

Document > Document Overview


View Tender screen - View Tender

Document > Tender


View VPB Browser

Document > Browse Variation Price Book


View Job Diary

Diary > Client / Job Diary


Search for a free time

Diary > Search for a free time


View Day Diary - Select different day

Diary > Day View


View Comments

CRM > Comments


Run Workflow Analysis

Tools > Workflow Tools > Personal Work Flow Analysis


Run a workflow report

File > Reports


Framework ECM - Land Management

Screen / View

Menu Path


Start Framework



Log in as a user other than a super-user



Select the Framework Explorer



Select Land Management



Search for an address

File > Search


View all screens via sidebar



Use keyboard shortcuts for some screens

Ctrl S, Ctrl L, F4, F7


Framework ECM - Administration

Screen / View

Menu Path


Start Framework



Log in as a user other than a super-user



Select the Framework Explorer



Select Administration



View all screens via sidebar



Framework ECM - Security

Screen / View

Menu Path


Start Framework



Log in as a user other than a super-user



Select the Framework Explorer



Select Security



View all screens via sidebar



View a User dialog

Security > User


Framework ECM - Report Management

Screen / View

Menu Path


Start Framework



Log in as a user other than a super-user



Select the Framework Explorer



Select Report Management



View all screens via sidebar



Framework ECM - Variation Price Book

Screen / View

Menu Path


Start Framework



Log in as a user other than a super-user



Select the Framework Explorer



Select Variation Price Book



View all screens via sidebar



Select a Version

VPB > Versions


Framework ECM - Client And Contact Management

Screen / View

Menu Path


Start Framework



Log in as a user other than a super-user



Select the Framework Explorer



Select Client and Contact Management



Search for a client

File > Search / F4


View all screens via sidebar



Additional Support Software

If upgrading the Framework Product Suite on the server, consider installing Microsoft Office as this assists with:

  • Remote Support (for Insula Software and your own IT support team).
  • Testing of all system components including mail merge and email integration.
  • No labels