Framework Construction Logistics IT Requirements

Framework Construction Logistics IT Requirements

The following outlines IT requirements for consideration when implementing Construction Logistics.  The information provided here should be discussed with your IT support team.

Domain Joined Devices

Tablet devices joined to the domain assist in a variety of ways, majorly they allow for simplicity in the authentication method between the tabular device and network resources and Windows authentication back to the office SQL database.

When the supervisors are in the office, they may utilise their tablet device in place of a traditional desktop/workstation, which would further simplify their IT experience if it is domain joined.

This may be beneficial when considering a version of Windows, i.e. Pro vs. Home.

Virtual Private Network

A VPN is required for the supervisors to remotely connect to the office and synchronise their Logistics (SQL Server) data and Job Files.  

SupplierConnect Server (if part of logistics rollout)

To process SupplierConnect (ie. supplier/tradesperson call up) notifications, a publicly accessible IIS server running PHP is required.

Below are the requirements to consider when provisioning a server for SupplierConnect.

  • Configure Microsoft SQL Server for Mixed Mode Authentication and create SQL User Account

  • Configure firewall to allow SQL Traffic to the IIS Server

  • Externally accessible Microsoft IIS Server located on the Internal network or DMZ network (recommended)

  • PHP Installation

  • Route external Static IP address through to the Microsoft IIS Server on Port 80 or Port 443 (if using an SSL certificate).  

  • Internal and external DNS record to identify the IIS Server eg. supplierconnect.yourdomain.com.au

  • Microsoft IIS Server to send SMTP Emails on TCP port 25 (email receipts)

This can be setup on an existing server or a new server can be provisioned.

Microsoft Outlook

Each Supervisor will require Microsoft Outlook (32 bit) setup on their tablet to send and receive emails

Remote Support (if needed) - assists in connecting to Supervisor Tablet devices remotely

  • Teamviewer

  • VNC 

PDF Writing software - This gives the supervisors with Tablets to ability to mark up PDF files from the tablet. 

  • PDF Annotator

  • Blue Beam 

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