

Onsite Safety for Portal Administrators

The Compliance Requirements screen allows you to define a template of items that need to be validated to ensure that an entity complies with any relevant rules and regulations associated with the particular role, e.g. A bricklayer. 

The Administration menu is only available if you are logged in as a System Administrator.


Roles are defined in the My Perspective application. You need to be an administrator. To do this, follow these steps.


Log in and select the Company Perspective


A new drop-down menu, Administration, will be available. 

Select Contact Roles.


Click on Add Contact Role.


Enter the Role Name and select the Valid Contact Types then click Save.

When the role has been added, you can add the relevant contacts to it.

To specify the requirements for a role, click on it and press the Edit button.

  1. Click on the Role you want to update

  2. Click on the Class.

  3. Click in the relevant boxes to indicate whether the Type is Required or Optional.

  4. Click on Save All.

When you have finished, you can filter the list to see only the relevant items by click on the Selected option.

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