Project Level Compliance
This article assumes your portal has the feature Project Specific Compliance Management (PSCM) enabled. If you wish to use this feature, please email requesting it to be enabled for your portal.
In this article, you will learn how to use Project Specific Compliance Management. The image below shows the Resources > Projects screen with the Project Compliance accordion expanded.
When you click on the Add Project Compliance button the following screen is displayed;
You then enter the details of the compliance item and click the Add button. The compliance item will then be added to the Project Compliance accordion.
When the contact, that has been assigned the project compliance item, logs into the portal there will be a banner notifying them of a compliance requirement.
They can see their project-specific compliance items by selecting My Safety / Compliance and selecting the Project option;
When you click on the compliance item, the Add Project Compliance Item dialogue is displayed, and you can upload the relevant document.
The compliance item will then be shown as green meeting the requirements have been met.
When a platform administrator logs in, they will see that there is a project-specific compliance item to validate.
Clicking on the Compliance Item link will open the validation page.
If the item is rejected, the contact will, receive a notification and then have to resubmit it.