DMS Server Environment - Further Details for IT

DMS Server Environment - Further Details for IT

Infrastructure setup and consumption of data 

All connectivity between client infrastructure (i.e. Only the Data Hub) is delivered by Framework Systems Integration (FSI).

This includes periodic updates to portals such as the Client Portal with whatever information it requires from the Data Hub. 

We’re already doing this for the DMS where you see the projects/jobs in the system that you can attach documentation to.

This is pretty well documented in the scope, and all of the “Systems Integration” items in the WBS/tasks relate to implementing this connectivity.

Insula are assigned these tasks and will complete all connectivity work from the Data Hub to our solutions. All we need from JWH is to get the data into the Data Hub.

As such, there is no additional effort requested of JWH, and all licensing/costs for the software solutions involved in FSI are included in the project budget.

There is nothing additional that needs to be purchased.

DMS cloud environment and connectivity 

  1. The local install of the IIS/Proxy for DMS is used to store files locally on the LAN (i.e. it has permissions to do this)

    1. no other Framework portal products require an IIS deployment or other LAN infrastructure

  2.  All portals are run from MS Azure (i.e. no JWH infrastructure such as IIS)

  3.  Systems integration (software running on your local server) synchronises data into Azure (i.e. a cloud database) for the portals to operate.
    i.e. this is a ”push” of data from the Data Hub

    1. i.e. there is no persistent link from the cloud to the LAN to operate

  4.  If there is an issue with the Data Hub server, this would only affect updates being sent to the cloud and is not a point of failure for the portals operating

    1.  i.e. the Customer Portal will still work and be accessible, displaying the most up-to-date information it has in the cloud database

SQL Security

We don’t believe there are any ‘security aspects’ to be aware of unless there are specific questions/concerns.

We have not modified SQL’s standard implementation of security or the server’s accessibility in any way.

Customer Portal

For the Customer Portal, there is no additional infrastructure needed beyond what has been done to support the DMS.

Production Environment

When we are ready to have the Production environment provisioned, here is a recap of what is required:


  1. An MS-SQL server to host our databases (Data Hub, Fusion, Several Framework DBs)

  2. A server where the Framework Systems Integration (FSI) software can be installed and run

  3. For the JWH Support Office implementation of DMS, the location where DMS files/documents should be stored.

  4. For the JWH Support Office implementation of DMS, an IIS server where the DMS Proxy software can be installed


The client will guide us as to whether these requirements are one or more different servers, based on their production infrastructure.

We're happy to set up a call to discuss the production environment requirements in detail.

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